Sturdy Grace In A Professional Smile

Professional Cerritos CA

Cosmetic dentistry might often seem superfluous by its very nature. But there are often amazing benefits to be had with improving the quality of your smile. One area where an enhanced appearance may significantly help you is in your professional development and networking.

The smile conveys a distinct message during a first impression, and noticeable oral health concerns can detract from your ideas and drive. By allowing your meetings to focus on your ability, you can rest freely and bring your confidence to a level you have yet to experience. At your Cerritos, CA dentist, we understand the connection between your oral health and its social nature. A cosmetic approach might be just what you need to take things to the next level!


Strong Support In Your Tooth Loss Restoration

Cat Stevens Cerritos CA

From time to time, a tooth extraction is necessary to ensure that the health of the mouth is maintained. Numerous instigating factors can lead to this situation, including infection and physical damage. The dental goal is typically to keep as much of your natural biological matter in place. Sometimes the removal of an incisor or molar can prevent further harm from spreading and affecting areas that are currently strong.

A replacement prosthetic is crucial in ensuring that the body does not begin to reabsorb the bone tissue of the jaw. Dental implants can provide a technological edge in supporting a stable new replacement solution. At your Cerritos, CA dentist, the goal is to craft a smile solution that is built to last! This process allows for this through the placement of a threaded titanium post, which grows snug in the location. After recovery, a new prosthetic can bring back strength and beauty to your smile!


A Simple Way To Relieve Your Jaw Pain

Zen Xmas Cerritos CA

Around this time of year, our anxieties tend to be at their yearly peak. The holidays can exacerbate a sleep disorder and lead to more damage than usual. For patients who suffer from temporomandibular joint syndrome, their symptoms may flare up near the end of the year. TMJ often contributes to a disorder known as bruxism which is the grinding, clenching or gnashing of teeth.

These oft-connected conditions can cause repeated stress at the location of collision. During your sleep, you could be eroding your enamel. When you shorten your incisors and flatten your molars through bruxism the loss of enamel can expose the interior of the tooth. Before your sleep disorder harms your teeth, speak to your Cerritos, CA dentist about the possibility of a non-surgical approach. Keep your smile looking fresh and staying safe!


Tested Ways To Give You The Best New Smile

Pink Cerritos CA

Technology is crucial within dentistry to ensure that the best possible outcome is always on the table. Imagery can give your trained oral health provider the best possible information to diagnose issues as early as possible. The development of Computer-Aided Design and 3D printing is allowing our industry to take monumental leaps forward in the possibilities in prosthodontics.

But patients may understandably question new dental technology. After all, one of the most important parts of your smile relies on its functionality and resilience. Having a beautiful smile now is amazing, but our Cerritos, CA dental office focuses on lasting improvements that can keep your oral health strong. An integrated approach helps to bring the best of tested techniques, while building upon this science!


Dental Implants Give You A Strong New Bite

Bite Cerritos CA

Our natural teeth give us a functional chewing surface, and so one of the most common questions about replacement centers around the connection to the jaw. It seems nearly everyone has a memory of a loved one or respected elder with a failing denture. Patients can put off a necessary extraction because they are worried about what comes next.

The most technologically-advanced method of replacement is also the most secure. Dental implants use threaded titanium posts to strongly bind your new prosthetic to your natural biological material. Through an amazing process known as osseointegration, our jaw bone grows tightly around the post. After recovery, your new implant can help you regain trust and confidence in your smile. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist shows you how you can restore your bite with a dental implant!


Simple Ways To Keep Your Teen’s Smile Strong

Teens Cerritos CA

If you are the parent of a teenager, you know how difficult it can be to maintain a great line of communication. They’re at their most self-conscious, and it might seem like they don’t even like you all that much. While this is part of natural development, it can make expressing pain or discomfort harder to catch.

One of the largest risks to your child’s oral health is in the development of the wisdom teeth. This third set of molars can cause serious issues with an adolescent smile, starting with their alignment. Equally important, this growth can cause damage to the teeth themselves, sometimes even cracking the enamel. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist outlines some of the ways wisdom tooth development can lead to major oral health concerns. Moreover, what you can do to ensure that your teen has a gorgeous and healthy smile!


Get The Best From Your Natural Smile

Natural Cerritos CA

The ideal within dentistry is to keep the things that are going well as healthy and strong as possible. For this reason, extractions are seen as a last resort. Ultimately, it is usually best to strengthen your existing biological tissue.

Patients can often feel this way as well. While they may wish to alter some things about their bite or the way their smile appears, they aren’t looking for radical change in their bone structure. But people might not know some of the ways we can bolster your own natural matter to ensure that you look and feel your best. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist outlines some of the common ways we can address cosmetic concerns without very invasive surgery!


Keep These Simple Emergency Rules In Mind

Mouth Cerritos CA

This time of year, there is a higher likelihood of a dental emergency. We are more anxious due to the stress of the season, which can often include travel. Vacation itself can lead to an elevated risk of a broken or displaced tooth. We are on edge and in areas where we are less familiar. No matter how well we think we handle the holidays, the risks are there.

So for that reason, it is important to know some guidelines for handling these sorts of situations. Whether it be a fender bender in the shopping mall parking lot that knocks a tooth loose or the rowdy uncle has had one glass of punch too many, these instances do occur. It can be very helpful to keep these rules in the back of your head so that they come innately in times of crisis. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist notes some of the common pitfalls that patients make when faced with a dental emergency. Don’t go into this surprise unarmed!


Give Yourself The Gift Of A Great Smile!

Hat Cerritos CA

This time of year, we focus on others. It is a beautiful season that gives us the opportunity to show our loved ones how much they mean to us. But in that, we may sometimes let ourselves take a step back as a priority. But now may be the perfect time for you to invest in your smile’s future! No matter what your next step is in your oral health path, a holiday refresh can help you to look and feel your best.

So before you meet your friends and family for your holiday gatherings, stop in for a smile consultation. We can set distinct and attainable goals for the future of your oral health, and then plan your pathway to a beautiful new cosmetic improvement. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist explains some fantastic ways to treat yourself while you’re in the giving mood. We’re here for you in the most beautiful smile possible, while strengthening your health!


New Stability For Your Jaw

Nerd Cerritos CA

Grafting is a fascinating process in which biological material can take hold and thrive within your mouth. Oral surgeons use this form of procedure regularly within the dental profession, in multiple kinds of tissue. Primarily, this builds up areas where your natural biological material is lacking, due to infection or a process known as reabsorption. This is where the body recovers resources from a part of the area it feels is not healthy enough to continue to maintain.

In the bone of the jaw, this procedure can help in a few different ways. If there has been an infection, there might be areas where this tissue is not dense enough to be able to withstand daily use in chewing and speaking. This can lead to structural issues, so rebuilding the jaw is necessary. Also, if you are looking into the possibility of a dental implant, you may need a bone graft to create a stable enough foundation for use. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist outlines the process of bone grafting, as well as shows how it can be an effective tool at giving you a strong and lasting smile!
