Category: Dental Implants

Dental Implants Help Prevent Bone Loss

Missing just a single tooth can cause problems for your entire smile. A small gap in your oral cavity may seem insignificant, but it can lead to further loss in the future and potentially weaken your facial structures. To avoid these concerns, consider getting replacements with implants with our team at Cerritos Dental Surgery in… Read more »

All-On-Four Offers A Full Smile In One Day

Dental implant dentures are long-lasting and strong, but placement could take multiple visits. However, with All-On-Four implant dentures our team can provide a full smile in as little as one appointment. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about the benefits of the All-On-Four implant denture system.

Caring For Your Smile With Dental Implants

If you are exploring placing dental implants to replace a missing tooth, learning how to care for your new prosthetics is paramount to long-term success. While an implant mimics the tooth it replaces, you must pursue daily oral hygiene to prevent it from failing. At your Cerritos, CA dental office, we help patients adjust to… Read more »

Optimal Care After Implants

Although implants act like normal teeth they still need special care and attention. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dental team talks about how to best care for your implants and keep the rest of your mouth in top shape, too!

Upgrade Your Smile with Implant-Supported Dentures

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When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dentures have long been a popular solution. However, they come with their fair share of challenges, such as limited stability and discomfort. Fortunately, with advancements in dental technology, we now have the option of implant-supported dentures. This superior alternative offers numerous benefits. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks… Read more »

Restore Health with Dental Implants

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A smile is a powerful expression that can convey happiness, confidence, and warmth. However, missing teeth can often hinder one’s ability to smile and impact self-esteem. Fortunately, dental implants provide a reliable solution for restoring missing teeth and regaining that lost confidence. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist discusses replacing missing teeth with dental implants.

Implant Dentistry Offers A Complete Smile

cerritos dental implants

When you have suffered from a lost tooth, or if you have multiple missing teeth, then we can offer a replacement option that lasts far longer than traditional bridges or dentures. Dental implants look and act like natural teeth, and can offer a lifelike appearance. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about how… Read more »

The Unique Benefits Of A Dental Implant

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Losing one of your teeth can be quite upsetting. While the effect on the look of your smile is obvious, you quickly learn that you must adjust many behaviors when living with a missing tooth. Speaking can become more difficult as your words sound different articulating around the gap in your smile. You can find… Read more »

Helping You Replace A Missing Tooth

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If you have recently lost a tooth, you know the uncertain feeling of adjusting to your new smile. Not only does a missing tooth impact the look of your smile, but it can quickly degrade your ability to enjoy simple everyday activities. We rely upon our full set of teeth to articulate our speech, and… Read more »

Attaching Prosthetics To Your Dental Implants

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Losing one or more of your teeth can create rapid complications for your oral health quite quickly. Not only does a missing tooth leave an impact on your appearance, but the impact on your alignment can damage your remaining teeth as well. Left untreated, an open gap in your smile allows remaining neighbors to drift… Read more »