Month: November 2014

The Trouble with Tooth Abscesses

From stains to cavities, your teeth can go through a lot in a lifetime. When a tooth is cracked or infected, it can sometimes develop an abscess, or pocket of pus, on its root. The trouble with tooth abscesses is that they can make restorative treatment more difficult than usual. When one develops, the symptoms… Read more »

Tips for Addressing Dental Emergencies

A dental emergency refers to any sudden pain or damage to the oral cavity. When you experience one of these situations, you should call our office immediately. Leave detailed information so we can call you back and schedule a visit. However, if the problem s potentially life threatening, call 911 or visit the emergency room…. Read more »

FAQs: What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

When you lose a tooth or even multiple teeth, you may find simple daily activities, such as eating or speaking, become difficult. In addition, you may feel hesitate to engage in social situations or interact with friends. Don’t let tooth loss have a negative impact on your life, especially when replacement options, such as innovative… Read more »

Quiz: Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction?

What are wisdom teeth? Why do they need to be removed? These are two questions patients ask us all the time. Many people are unaware of the significant dangers posed by the third molars. At Cerritos Dental Surgery, Dr. Shawn Hofkes offers solutions for the gentle extraction of the third molars.