Strong Support In Your Tooth Loss Restoration

Cat Stevens Cerritos CA

From time to time, a tooth extraction is necessary to ensure that the health of the mouth is maintained. Numerous instigating factors can lead to this situation, including infection and physical damage. The dental goal is typically to keep as much of your natural biological matter in place. Sometimes the removal of an incisor or molar can prevent further harm from spreading and affecting areas that are currently strong.

A replacement prosthetic is crucial in ensuring that the body does not begin to reabsorb the bone tissue of the jaw. Dental implants can provide a technological edge in supporting a stable new replacement solution. At your Cerritos, CA dentist, the goal is to craft a smile solution that is built to last! This process allows for this through the placement of a threaded titanium post, which grows snug in the location. After recovery, a new prosthetic can bring back strength and beauty to your smile!

Keeping Your Mouth In Balance

A tooth extraction surgery can be traumatic on its own. After all, the loss of a healthy vital part of your smile can feel as a failure of helpful preventive measures. But it is important in situations such as these to focus on the future and learn from the missteps of the past. Take the words of your dental health provider to heart so that you can help to avoid a repeat scenario.

The loss of a functional area of the jaw can provide its own new problems. For this reason, a replacement prosthetic can be helpful in maintaining strict control of your oral future. This can help keep and restore healthy bone tissue below the gumline, and prevent further loss!

How Does The Implant Process Work?

For many patients, the discussion of dental implants starts when they receive a problem diagnosis. If you are unfamiliar with the process, the placement of a new biointegrated prosthetic starts with the threaded titanium post. This special metal has unique properties that make it a perfect fit for the use in restorative dentistry.

Rather than viewing this post as a foreign object, our immune system actually accepts it as part of the body! Once this location heals, it can serve as a stable foundation for a new tooth prosthetic that is capable of the rigors of daily use. Your smile can look fantastic in the process!

Call Your Cerritos, CA Dentist For More

A tooth extraction does not have to be the end of the story! Contact Dr. Hofkes at Cerritos Dental Surgery today in Cerritos, CA by calling 562-584-4082. A dental implant with a biointegrated titanium post can give you an amazingly strong replacement for your missing material. Plan for the future in a gorgeous and sturdy prosthetic restoration!