Oral Cancer: Pathways for Prevention

The idea of something not going quite right with your oral health is never an enjoyable thought. This is particularly true when it comes to protecting yourself against oral cancer – you know that action is the best solution for prevention but you’d probably rather not think about it. Unfortunately, if you ignore a problem and allow it to flourish, you will find yourself in a much more dire situation than if you had detected the issue early in development. What’s this mean? Your best solution is to practice consistent dental care and to let us know if something seems to have changed with your oral health. Consider our following suggestions, so you can keep your smile healthy and comfortable:


42nd Annual Let Freedom Ring Celebration In Cerritos

Are the exciting sights and sounds of July 4th overwhelmingly wonderful to you? Do you find yourself lost in nostalgia the moment someone mentions the word “sparkler” or “fireworks?” If so, gather up the kids, the family, your friends, and your neighbors and get ready for a truly delightful way to celebrate Independence Day in your community.


Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

The good news if you’re sleep apnea sufferer is that we offer sleep apnea treatment to improve the experience you have with your day-to-day life, while protecting you from long-term side effects like health problems. If you have been curious about whether this sleep disorder may be affecting your life, learning more about the following common symptoms may motivate you to call us for a visit today, so we can quickly get you on the road to recovery:


Protect Yourself From Tooth Extractions With … Flossing?

Have you recently been diagnosed with a dental problem that requires a tooth extraction? The good news is that an extraction actually protects your mouth from further potential damage, instantly removes the source of discomfort, and will create an excellent foundation for a tooth replacement. We will even speak with you about crafting a tooth replacement plan unique to your needs. However, if you are curious about what you can do to avoid the need for extractions in the future, your best solutions is to keep your teeth and gums extremely clean with dental cleanings, checkups, brushing, and … you guessed it … flossing. Wondering how your daily flossing may prevent the need for an extraction? Find out more:


Dental Bridges: What to Expect

If you have been doing a bit of homework when it comes to addressing your tooth loss, you may have researched a variety of dental prosthetics. When it comes to teeth replacement solutions, finding the right solution for your concerns, desires, and particular tooth loss configuration can feel a bit demanding. If you have determined that a dental bridge sounds like the best choice for you, your work likely feels somewhat unfinished. After all, now it’s time to find out what to expect from treatment. The good news is that planning for and receiving your bridge is quite straightforward. So, give yourself a pat on the back and breeze through the final details you will need to become familiar with as you begin your smile completion journey:


Dental Implant Advantages

Looking into options for your tooth loss can become a bit overwhelming, particularly if you are new to the world of dental prosthetics. Fortunately, patients often feel overjoyed when they begin learning more about dental implants. Why? Well, implants provide a long list of exceptional advantages, some of which are offered by other prosthetics and some that are completely unique to implants. If you have been searching for a way to completely restore your smile, while preventing the potential side effects of tooth loss, it’s about time you become more familiar with the benefits of implants. Read further to learn more:


Dodgers Excursion

Have you long been a fan of attending baseball games, routing for your team, and taking in the exciting fanfare? Perhaps it’s the delicious hot dogs that have secretly always been your favorite. Whatever it is you love about this American pastime, you will be excited to learn about this upcoming event in Cerritos.


Are You Ready for Dental Implants?

Have you been performing some serious research when it comes to restoring your smile with dental implants? If so, you know that implants replace the roots of your tooth that you lost when you lost your tooth. You also know that implants are unlike other dental prosthetics in many ways. For instance, they require a surgical procedure, they are the only prosthetic to replace tooth roots, and they also offer an exceptional list of advantages. What you may not have considered thoroughly, however, is if you’re ready to select implants as your teeth replacement option of choice. To help you along in making a final decision, we have gathered the following topics to consider:


Reasons for Tooth Extractions: True or False Quiz

Finding out that you need a tooth extraction often causes you to feel much more surprised and concerned than when you find out you require a filling or some other restorative treatment. We understand your shock and the fact that you may initially feel strongly about trying to save your tooth. However, we would like to reassure you that we feel just as passionately about saving natural teeth when possible. When it comes to highly problematic teeth or instances that call for tooth removal, an extraction offers you the best option. Set your immediate dislike of this option aside and test your knowledge regarding extractions for a clearer understanding of how they can truly improve your oral health.


Community Open Golf Tournament

Are there few things more exciting to you than a round of golf? If so – whether you’re a novice or a seasoned expert – you’ll love this upcoming event in Cerritos. Grab a friend and prepare yourself for a shotgun start tournament.
