Your Biopsy FAQs: Helpful Answers From Our Team!

Are you curious about potentially requiring a biopsy because you’ve noticed something has changed a bit with your mouth’s lining? Perhaps you are simply curious about this aspect of oral pathology. Maybe you already have a visit scheduled for this procedure! In any case, if you’d really like to learn more about what you can expect, what results mean, and more, there’s no time like the present to let us know! In order to give you a quick head start, our Cerritos, CA team is happy to offer up introductory answers to frequently asked questions.


Winter Break: Why It’s Time To Schedule Your Kid’s Wisdom Teeth Removal

Are you well aware that it’s high time you call our Cerritos, CA practice to set up your child’s wisdom teeth removal but life keeps getting in the way? You keep telling yourself that you’ll call and schedule it but trying to figure out the right time just never seems to pan out. To this, we say: Consider setting up the extractions over winter break, when everyone has the time to rest, relax, and recover!


Halloween: 3 Dental Emergencies You Can Avoid (And How)

Halloween can be full of sweet treats and smiles! However, it can also be full of scary stuff, such as a dental emergency that you never even saw coming. Fortunately, you have our Cerritos, CA dental surgery team on your side to give you a quick warning ahead of time. When you have a good idea of what to look out for on this otherwise enjoyable night, you can do your best to steer clear of danger that can lead to an urgent need for dental care! As for the ghosts, ghouls, and spider webs, well … you might need to seek some additional help elsewhere once you’ve finished learning how to best protect your smile!


Dental Bridges: Things You May Not Have Discovered Just Yet

While you may think you already have the world of dental bridges figured out, it’s very possible you’re operating primarily on just a little bit of information or on assumption alone! When you’re missing teeth and you’re ready to do something about it, our Cerritos, CA team invites you to spend some time discovering new information about bridges. It’s very possible you’ll stumble upon some new fact or tidbit that will help you realize this may be just the prosthetic for your smile needs.


Ceramic Crowns: You Have Questions, We Are Ready To Answer Them!

Would you say that everything you know about crowns at the moment includes the fact that they can restore teeth with serious damage? If so, then there may be a little bit (or a lot) of missing information that could truly benefit your outlook on what you can expect from us when it comes to ceramic crowns. Do you know how they can help you? Are you certain about main purposes for smile improvement? Our Cerritos, CA team is more than pleased to help you get to know these crowns even better by answering some questions we hear quite a lot!


Bruxism Disorder: How To Get Headed Toward Improvement

When you notice something isn’t right with your smile and you think it could be bruxism disorder, you might feel unsure about how to get yourself on a course that will lead you toward improvement. You don’t want to deal with the strange symptoms of habitual (it’s involuntary, remember) grinding of your teeth or clenching. You might notice that you chew on your tongue or cheek when you’re sleeping, that your teeth feel sensitive, that your jaw doesn’t feel wonderful, or that you’re getting headaches. Fortunately, our Cerritos, CA team can help you figure this out in so many ways!


Wish You Had A Whiter Smile? We Can Fix That.

There’s nothing quite like having a very healthy smile but noticing that your smile doesn’t look healthy simply because of some discoloration. Feeling underwhelmed by this factor, along with other concerns about the way your smile looks, can truly cause you some distress regarding your appearance! Fortunately, you are not stuck with the yellowed or not-so-vibrant teeth you’ve been seeing in the mirror lately. Instead, you’ve got access to teeth whitening with our Cerritos, CA team, so you can enjoy an exceptionally beautifully bright, brilliant, much whiter smile. Learn more!


Think Your Teeth Are Too Bad? Think Again!

What’s going on that makes you think your teeth are too bad for dental care? As a result, you’re staying home and missing out on the chance to end up with a smile that’s healthy and that also looks exceptional? We know that when you think about the things going on with your oral health, you may think that you are in a realm all your own and that the severity of your problems is something not even our Cerritos, CA dental surgery team can help you with. Of course, we say this in as polite a manner as we can, but … you’re wrong! We encourage you to think again and instead of hiding away, come in to see us. You will be blown away by just how much we can achieve through advanced dental care.


Oral Surgery Questions To Ask (That Help You Feel Better)

While you’re sitting in our chair smiling, nodding, and doing your best to act agreeable as our Cerritos, CA team explains that you need oral surgery, you may actually be thinking a whole bunch of questions that you really want answered. However, you don’t want to seem like you don’t trust us or our opinion. You might not want to come off as seeming nervous. You might feel a little bit like what you should do is go home, schedule the surgery you need, and then come on back in. What you need to do, however, is ask us everything you’re wondering about! It will allow you to truly feel confident and then feel completely relaxed about your upcoming procedure once you’re back in the comfort of your home.


3 Things To Remember When You Keep Your Wisdom Teeth

For some, third molars do not present a serious threat (or much of a threat at all) to oral health. Instead, they grow in correctly, they’re not impacted, they are not damaging other teeth … they’re just a final set of molars. If this is your experience, then you may have opted to avoid wisdom teeth removal because at the time it simply did not strike you as being necessary. However, you may ask yourself sometimes about what you should do if you suddenly think caring for them is difficult (and more). Fortunately, our Cerritos, CA dental surgery team is here to pick up where you left off, while providing you with answers that you could really use.
