Outstanding Improvement For Your Smile

Smiling woman

If you want to enhance your smile’s look, cosmetic dental services can complement its existing natural beauty. By focusing on the aspect of your appearance that others notice most when you are speaking, we offer pleasing results. This means you no longer need to worry about blemishes or physical imperfections with your teeth taking a toll on your self-confidence. When you seek cosmetic treatment, your Cerritos, CA dentist will counsel you on which solution best suits your aesthetic concern. If you have problems with discoloration of your teeth, physical dental damage, or any other issue with your smile, meet with our team to plan the new you!


When Your Dentist Recommends Tooth Extraction

man reading book at home

The suggestion to remove one of your natural teeth is sometimes met with hesitancy. After all, the goal of other oral health procedures is to preserve as much healthy part of your tooth as possible. Treatments such as dental crowns and fillings support your structure after physical trauma or decay, but sometimes an injury is beyond the reparative ability of these restorations. Therefore, when your dentist identifies the need for an extraction, more conservative options have been exhausted. It can provide comfort to know that this is often the first step in placing a prosthetic to replace your injured tooth.

At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we prioritize providing a comfortable environment when removing your tooth or performing any other oral surgery. This service allows you to return the appearance and function of a full set of healthy teeth after placing a prosthetic restoration. Modern prosthodontic solutions mean you do not have to worry about permanently living with a gap in your smile!


Regaining Your Bite After Losing A Tooth

Young farmer outside wearing ballcap

Losing your tooth to disease or physical trauma can be upsetting in more ways than one. While you may feel embarrassed by the appearance of a gap in your smile, a missing tooth can also cause significant threats to your oral health. Left untreated, you risk losing additional teeth and experiencing accelerated wear and tear from an improper bite. For this reason, seeking restoration with a tooth implant can return your full set of teeth and help prevent the harm associated with dental loss.

Your Cerritos, CA dentist has years of experience providing prosthetics that restore the comfort of your bite and prioritize providing a lifelike appearance. By inserting an implant post into your jaw, we can provide a treatment that mimics your natural tooth. With this therapy, you no longer have to settle for a hole in your grin!


Quickly Treating A Dental Emergency

Worried woman on phonecall

Because a dental emergency can happen unexpectedly at any time, knowing who to contact can reduce the time it takes to treat your injury. When your tooth is harmed, your life can come to a standstill. Simple activities like speaking and eating can become seriously painful, and damage may compound the longer you go without treatment. Your injury’s effect on your appearance can be quite shocking if you are fully missing a tooth.

At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we provide service for your smile when you need it most. While routine checkups provide preventative dental care, we offer critical support for your teeth and gums in emergencies when time is of the essence. After treating the trauma of your injury, we can plan repairs to return the beauty and function of your healthy teeth!


An Effective Treatment For Teeth Grinding

smiling woman on yellow background

If you suspect you grind or clench your teeth at night, treatment can prevent further damage and complications with your oral health. Because this habit happens while we are asleep, it can be difficult to detect before your teeth are significantly worn. If you do not promptly treat it, erosion of your enamel can cause dental misalignment and make you susceptible to decay and gum disease. Because your protective layer keeps teeth white, wearing it away can lead to a yellow look. When your pulp is exposed to oral bacteria, grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, can increase your likelihood of a tooth infection.

At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we offer a non-invasive solution for treating bruxism. We can inspect your mouth for its signs and provide an oral guard to protect your teeth while you sleep. By wearing this appliance, you can relieve pressure on your jaw and wake up feeling refreshed.


Cosmetic Enhancement For Your Smile

Man smiling arms crossed

When you decide to improve your smile’s appearance, cosmetic dentistry can help. Our services can address various issues with the beauty of your teeth. By treating stains, physical imperfections, and even missing teeth, we can return your confidence showing off your smile to others. At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we offer esthetic treatments in addition to those that improve your dental health.


Dependably Performing Your Tooth Extraction

Woman with mouth pain in glasses

It can surprise you when your dentist recommends extracting one of your natural teeth. This is a normal feeling because you have a limited number that will not regrow after removing them. You may have questions about your comfort during the procedure or wonder about the difficulty of recovery. Although these concerns are legitimate, they should not stop you from moving forward with treatment. When certain dental problems are discovered early, more conservative treatments may restore your tooth. Therefore, when your dentist suggests removal, the damage to your tooth is too severe to maintain its place in your mouth.

At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we can perform a tooth extraction and help you plan a proper restoration. Think of removing your tooth as simply the first step in restoring the health and look of your smile! Modern prosthetics recreate the look of a natural tooth while returning important strength to your bite. This means you do not have to live with a permanent hole in your grin.


Reliable Tooth Replacement With An Implant

Smiling man on grey background

When you lose one of your teeth, it is important to explore all your options for prosthetic replacement. Left untreated, a missing tooth can negatively impact your life. Not only does your appearance change, but you risk harming the health of your remaining teeth. This is why successfully replacing your missing tooth is vital to returning your looks and your bite’s function.

While you may not have learned much about dental prosthetics before your loss, your Cerritos, CA dentist is here to help. We offer dental implant placement that mimics the function of a natural tooth inserted directly into your jaw. With our expertise, we will give you a lasting restoration that completes your beautiful smile!


Protecting Your Teeth With An Oral Guard

Thoughtful man in red shirt

How do you support the health of your mouth while you sleep? If you suspect you are grinding and clenching your teeth at night, let your dentist know. Left untreated, this problem can wear away your enamel and cause an uneven bite. This can increase your risk for gum disease, tooth decay, and lead to complications with the health of your jaw. Otherwise known as bruxism, grinding your teeth can give you a prematurely aged appearance as loss of enamel leaves a discolored worn down look.

Fortunately, your Cerritos, CA dentist can evaluate your bite for the signs of bruxism and offer a treatment to protect your teeth while you sleep. By wearing an oral guard, you can separate each row of teeth and relieve pressure on your jaw from constant clenching. Once we stop the progression of your habit, we can discuss cosmetic procedures to return your beautiful smile!


Mending Your Teeth With Dental Crowns

Man wearing blue shirt smiling

Whenever you experience an injury to a tooth, you should seek its repair right away to prevent further complications from developing. Whether from decay or physical trauma, damage to your teeth can break open your protective enamel layer and leave the inner material at risk for infection. You may also undergo severe pain as cracked or chipped teeth become sensitive when having a meal. Because of its negative effect on your appearance, a broken tooth can impact your enthusiasm to socialize as well.

To treat pain, prevent further injury, and return a beautiful smile, seek out the remarkable results of a dental crown. This restoration goes over the entirety of a damaged tooth to protect its insides and sustain the pressure of your bite. At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we can create a ceramic dental crown that is custom-made for your smile. Modern material selection allows us to match its shade to your natural teeth to address esthetic concerns while repairing a tooth’s function.
