3 Facts About IV Sedation

Learning about dental sedation will bring up a lot of questions. Of course, you want to choose the best solution to address your dental anxiety or to help you peacefully make it through a procedure you’re not too excited about. While we will be thrilled to talk with you about your options, we focus today on some helpful details regarding IV sedation, so you can more easily distinguish between different choices.


When You Need Post-Extraction Replacement

For many patients, there’s some confusion regarding whether or not a dental extraction will lead to the need for tooth replacement. The answer can be “yes” or it can be “no” depending on the reason for your extraction. Not sure you know if the tooth you need removed is essential to your bite, balance, beauty, and dental health or if it’s free to be removed without replacement? We can help you sort out the facts very quickly!


Oral Surgery: Reasons To Relax

If you need oral surgery and you are at all prone to worry or anxiety, you might be feeling one or both right about now. While we completely understand feeling uneasy about surgical procedures (particularly if you’ve never had one), we would like to offer you all the reassurance in the world! Not only is this not something worth feeling concerned about but you can truly expect a relaxing experience. Find out more regarding why you can remain calm and even optimistic.


Wisdom Teeth Quiz: True or False?

It’s understandable that you may not know much about your wisdom teeth. After all, some people don’t have them, some people have an easy experience with them, and they show up later than your other teeth. However, it’s important that you do become familiar with these third molars because if they do present any type of problem, choosing to remove them is always to your benefit. Ready to see what you do know, what you don’t know, and to learn a thing or two? A quiz should help.


Q&A: Helping You Feel A-OK About A Biopsy

We know that scheduling a biopsy for your oral health can cause you to feel uneasy. We know, as well, that you might have a lot of questions running through your mind. So many, in fact, that you might hesitate to schedule this necessary visit. As a result, we would love to answer the frequent questions we receive from patients, so you recognize that there’s no reason to feel anything but relaxed at the thought of protecting your oral health.


3 Risks Of Avoiding Emergency Dental Care

When you find yourself in need of emergency dental care but you end up talking yourself out of it, you may be putting yourself in harm’s way. Beyond the problem or damage that has already occurred, complications can quickly arise that may become moderate to severe, which means choosing care is always the right choice. Consider some of those potential risks, so you realize you really should call us when you need us.


Tired Of Dentures, Not Ready For Implants?

When you’re tired of wearing your partial dentures because you would like more stability but you are not ready to move onto dental implants, you may feel a bit stuck. What to do now, you wonder to yourself? Fortunately, we offer a nice middle-of-the-road choice. Individuals under these circumstances may be able to rely on dental bridges. Not sure you’re a candidate but this sounds like an option? Find out more regarding how to qualify (and remember to come see us).


3 Things That Go Away When You Choose Implants

Have you been trying to figure out why you would choose dental implants over other tooth replacement solutions for your smile? You may think to yourself, a dental bridge requires a less expensive investment. Dentures don’t require any type of surgery. So, is it really that worthwhile to ditch the other options and instead, opt for implants that will require a bit more money, oral surgery, and a longer recovery time? Well, when you consider a few things that will no longer get in the way of your life, you’ll see why many decide that implants are the best option out there. Remember, the decision is a very personal one, so there’s no right or wrong answer!


Is Sleep Apnea Contagious?

You may find yourself sheepishly wondering if sleep apnea is contagious. If this is because your partner seems to be exhibiting a shocking amount of symptoms associated with the sleep disorder you have been diagnosed with, don’t worry: This is perfectly understandable. Even though it’s not possible to “spread” your disorder to someone else, sharing symptoms is actually quite common. Allow us to help you more clearly understand what’s going on here and how to fix it, so you and your relationship remain safe!


Water: How It Helps Your Oral Health

You might not spend a lot of time thinking about whether you’re drinking a sufficient amount of water. This is particularly true if you’re more focused on issues like dealing with tooth loss and receiving dental implants. The truth is, whatever oral health concern is affecting you (even if your smile is in pretty amazing condition), choosing to keep your mouth and body hydrated is actually essential to maintaining your smile. Find out more, so you see just how important it is to pick up that glass of water.
