Sugarplums may dance around this time of year, but sugar itself is detrimental to healthy teeth. Any food which contains large amounts of sucrose will increase and intensify the production of plaque. Plaque is a sticky biofilm which will adhere to your teeth, and eventually turns into tartar when it hardens. Plaque and tartar on your teeth will result in gum disease and tooth decay, over time. Do you think you know which foods to stay away from in order to avoid cavities? Conversely, are you aware of foods which can actually reduce plaque production?
Raw Vegetables
Plaque is a mixture of acid, food debris, and germs. Chomping on raw vegetables such as carrots, celery, cauliflower, and broccoli will actually dislodge and remove food bits while you eat. Nutritional dynamos, cruciferous veggies also (more…)