The Importance Of Effective Tooth Extraction

man receiving dental care

When oral health problems are caught in time, the services needed to address them are often able to minimize any permanent changes to tooth structure. While you may require a dental filling or dental crown for a problem tooth, you still preserve your complete, confident smile. Unfortunately, there are times when treatment will include the extraction of a tooth. The most common reason why adults lose teeth has to do with the effects of gum disease. However, a severe cavity or injury can also necessitate a tooth’s removal. Our Cerritos, CA dentist’s office can provide expert care to remove a tooth. A proper extraction is important for preventing complications that cause discomfort and delay plans to restore your smile with a custom prosthetic appliance.


Regain Smile Confidence With A Dental Bridge

senior smile woman dental bridge concept

Your difficulties with tooth loss can go beyond how it affects your smile. One absent tooth can seriously compromise your ability to bite and chew. It can also lead to difficulties as teeth next to this absence go without support and gradually loosen in time. With all that said, the right prosthetic treatment solution can take on problems with your oral health while also giving you back confidence in how you look. Our Cerritos, CA dentist’s office can provide an effective non-surgical solution to the problem of tooth loss. A custom dental bridge is placed permanently with a pair of dental crowns. With this arrangement, the restoration will remain stable enough to absorb bite pressure, which means you can return to a natural bite function and broader diet.


Protection Against Nighttime Teeth Grinding

Woman grinding teeth bruxism concept

Is your smile safe during the nighttime? As you rest, your body reduces saliva production, which means your natural defense against bacteria is reduced. This is part of what makes morning oral hygiene efforts to important to the preservation of your health. For some, there is an additional threat that must be addressed. People who suffer from bruxism often grind their teeth throughout the night. Doing so creates friction that will cause wear and tear to gradually worsen. Eventually, you can find yourself dealing with chips and cracks as well as general erosion. Fortunately, protection in the form of a night guard can help you. Talk to your Cerritos, CA dentist about using a guard to defend against this nocturnal trouble and preserve your smile!


How Ceramic Crowns Restore Vulnerable Teeth

woman with healthy confident smile dental crown

Our teeth are protected by strong outer layers of enamel, but when problems arise, they need lasting support. The impacts of gradual wear and tear, dental injuries, and enamel decay make services that include the placement of permanent restorations necessary. At our Cerritos, CA dental practice, we provide services that address the harm that can affect teeth with dental crowns and other restorations that offer lasting coverage while mimicking the look of healthy enamel. Because we provide ceramic crowns that blend in with your smile, we can take on potentially severe issues without making you sacrifice your smile for the sake of oral health support!


We Provide Access To Emergency Dental Care

Man suffering dental emergencyThe majority of dental visits will be planned in advance. Whether someone requires a routine checkup or wants to take on concerns about their smile, services can be scheduled and addressed in a timely manner. However, if you experience problems with significant discomfort, or if you suffer an injury that leaves you with a damaged, loose, or lost tooth, waiting for your next appointment will understandably be difficult. In these circumstances, you do have access to emergency oral health services at our Cerritos, CA dental practice. As a result, you can count on timely care that lowers your risk for dental complications and shortens the time that you spend experiencing discomfort. (more…)

Dealing with Dental Anxiety

The idea of going to the dentist can fill some people with dread. For some, this is a manageable anxiety which doesn’t interfere with their oral maintenance. For others, the discomfort is so great that they will avoid getting necessary dental care, even at the risk of causing existing oral issues to worsen. 

At Cerritos Dental Surgery, we offer several options to assist in soothing your dental fears and make your visit as pleasant as possible. Having access to this during care can make more involved services easier, and it can also be vital to the experiences of those with dental anxiety. (more…)

Uplifting New Confidence In Your Gums

Redhead Cerritos CA

One of the more common issues affecting American mouths is the infection of the periodontal tissue. This material forms what we know of as the gums. Without its protection, many aspects of our oral health are in jeopardy. Deeper infection may for instance occur as a result of the removal of the vital protection of the gums.

Speak with Dr. Hofkes at Cerritos Dental Surgery in Cerritos, CA about how periodontal grafting can help you to restore a full gumline. This process utilizes material from your own body to reinvigorate your smile!


New Relief In A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Stripes Cerritos CA

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common rite of passage for many adolescents. These are evolutionary holdovers from a time when we needed more jaw strength in order to chew raw meat. After many generations eating cooked food, human jaws have become slimmer and therefore do not have as much room.

When your third molars start to develop, there can be physical discomfort if your jaw does not have the necessary space to safely fit. At Cerritos Dental Surgery in Cerritos, CA, we are proud to help young smiles grow into adulthood. Stay on top of your oral health and schedule your consultation as soon as possible and maintain regular visits with your trained dental professional. Look and feel your best by doing what needs to be done before these last molars negatively affect your alignment. Many teens have spent significant time improving their orthodontics. Stay proactive and ensure that you fight first in the battle against damage from troublesome wisdom tooth eruption!


Gain New Strength With A Dental Implant

Office Cerritos CA

If you are experiencing a failing tooth, you can understand the insecurity that can come alongside this process. Or perhaps you have recently had an extraction and are looking for a beautiful and functional new prosthodontic repair solution. No matter the case, there is a technological procedure that can help you to restore strength to your bite. Dental implants are a biointegrated method of replacing a full tooth by placing a titanium post within the bone of the jaw.

At Cerritos Dental Surgery in Cerritos, CA, we proudly offer implant technology to help you get your smile back to where you can enjoy eating and laughing. Sometimes, this new post offers a bond stronger than that of your other teeth. Discover the advantages of a prosthodontic repair solution that works with your body now and in the future. Dental implants provide a strong and resilient bite that connects with the jaw bone matter. This process is more available than ever before, so schedule a consultation to see if this is the right fit for you!


Dental Advantages Of The New Year

Blonde Cerritos Ca

Around the start of the coming year, people start to plan their resolutions. We sit down and take stock of the positives of the past twelve months and try to set attainable, yet bold goals. This approach can help you to plan for cosmetic dental improvement by giving you something to strive toward that can give you stronger oral health.

This makes the turn of the year a great time to schedule a consultation at Cerritos Dental Surgery in Cerritos, CA and discover how cosmetic dentistry can give you a beautiful new smile. If you are looking for a way to renew the function and appearance of your enamel, a porcelain veneer procedure can help you to get an even and tidy look. Speak with us about how we can also brighten your existing teeth through a whitening procedure with a close trained eye on the progress!
