When You Need To Extract A Tooth

Man with painful tooth

When certain problems with your teeth are discovered early enough, the services required to treat them create minimal alterations to the natural structure. To preserve the appearance of healthy teeth, you may only need a minor restoration such as a dental crown or dental filling. This is because the goal of your oral surgeon is to perform the most conservative procedure possible to sufficiently address your dental injury. So when your dentist suggests fully extracting tooth, the damage to your tooth must be too severe to save within your mouth. Because various causes of injury that necessitate pulling one tooth can threaten the health of the rest of your oral cavity, heed their advice right away. Removing your problem tooth is often the first step in treating your injury and prepares you to receive a prosthetic to return the function and beauty of your smile. Your Cerritos, CA dentist will work with you to carefully remove your tooth and plan its proper restoration. A timely extraction can prevent future complications with your oral health and treat existing pain and discomfort with your current injury.


Dental Implants Can Secure Your Smile

middle aged woman smiling outdoors

If you have recently lost one of your natural teeth, you should not wait to replace it. Left untreated, tooth loss can lead to a series of additional oral health problems such as further loss and an advanced appearance in your face. It can reduce your self-confidence as well whenever you hesitate to show off the gap in your smile. Fortunately, a sturdy replacement for your natural teeth exists. Your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office offers placement of a dental implant that can secure your smile against future degradation from tooth loss. By receiving this oral surgery, an implant can prevent your neighboring teeth from drifting and provide critical support to your jawbone.


Dental Care In An Emergency

Man on bicycle smiling

Whenever you experience a dental emergency, it is a situation that requires immediate care. Whether you crack, chip, or even knock out a tooth, quickly responding to your dental emergency can increase your odds of saving your natural structure while curing your pain. Do not put off seeking care because injuries that may seem minor can lead to severe damage when left untreated. At your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office, we are ready to respond to your situation, evaluate, and treat threats to your oral health. In addition to treating your pain, we can plan a restoration to restore the function and appearance of your injured tooth and return your confidence in your smile!


Repairing Teeth With Dental Crowns

Man with arms folded

Whenever one of your teeth is severely damaged by physical injury or decay, you should seek restoration to avoid further complications with the health of your smile. Each time you sit down to enjoy a meal, your bite sustains a significant amount of pressure while processing your food. When a tooth is healthy, it withstands this function properly. When a tooth is chipped or broken and left untreated, your normal eating behavior can cause intense pain and lead to more loss of stable material. To repair the outside surface of your tooth and return its ability to properly bite, seek placement of a dental crown. This treatment covers the entirety of a damaged tooth to prevent it from breaking. Your Cerritos, CA dentist specializes in providing custom-made ceramic dental crowns that can match the shade of your natural teeth to provide desirable esthetic results while returning the function of your bite. (more…)

Porcelain Veneers Provide A Beautiful Smile

Woman with bright smile

When multiple cosmetic imperfections change the shape and color of your teeth, speak with your dentist about available solutions to enhance your smile. The placement of porcelain veneers offer a natural look that can return the beauty of your smile after years of wear of tear. These thin shells of porcelain can correct a variety of flaws in as little as two visits to our office. If you are looking to improve your appearance, your Cerritos, CA dentist’s practice can determine if this solution will address your esthetic concerns.


Calming Solutions For Dental Anxiety

calm woman breathing outdoors

Do you ever feel nervous about attending appointments at the dentist’s office? You may often receive a more conservative treatment solution the sooner you address a functional or cosmetic issue with your teeth, but dental anxiety can result in delaying or outright avoiding treatment altogether. Some patients may be able to attend routine cleanings and examinations, but avoid more involved procedures to support their oral health. These feelings of distress can cause existing problems to become worse than they must. No matter the cause and extent of your apprehension, your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office knows that the ability to relax during dental treatment is key to seeking timely treatment. Our practice offers a variety of solutions in the form of sedation dentistry to help you calm your nerves from routine cleanings to more advanced forms of oral surgery. Your power to feel comfortable in our office can help ensure we maintain the health of your smile!


A Sturdy Replacement For Lost Teeth

Grey haired man on white background

Losing one of your teeth can be a frustrating experience that significantly affects your quality of life. It can cause you to feel embarrassment when revealing a gap in your smile to others. Because your jaw must now shift around in an awkward position to chew around the missing area, you may begin to develop pain and soreness in the muscles of your face. Whether caused by injury, disease, or decay, a missing tooth can create future problems with your oral health when left untreated. To prevent this issue from shifting the alignment of your bite or even leading to additional tooth losses, consider a practical replacement for missing teeth. Your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office offers the placement of dental implants that allow for prosthetic attachment to restore your bite. We can guide you through your options and provide a restoration that addresses your esthetic concerns by imitating a tooth’s natural look. You can feel confident showing off your smile once again after receiving proper treatment!


Quickly Responding To A Dental Emergency

Woman With Toothache Touching Face

A dental emergency can happen when you least expect and create an undue amount of stress and grief. Injuring one of your teeth impacts your ability to comfortably speak and enjoy your meals without pain, and its effect on your personal appearance can be quite distracting. Whether you break, crack, or even knock out one of your teeth, you should seek access to emergency dental care as soon as possible to treat your immediate pain and relieve other potential threats to the health of your mouth. Injuries to your teeth should be treated with the utmost seriousness, because harm that can appear minor at first may become worse if not treated quickly. Receiving emergency care early enough can increase your chances of saving a natural tooth completely in a situation that otherwise necessitates a full extraction. At your Cerritos, CA dental practice, we are standing by to get you into our office quickly whenever you require emergency dental services. We can reduce the amount of time you spend in pain and provide reparative work that strengthens your smile!


When It Is Time To Remove A Tooth

Woman holding cheek

It can make you feel somewhat nervous to move forward when it is time to receive a full tooth extraction. Afterall, the goal of other oral health procedures is often to leave as much healthy tissue in the remaining natural structure as possible. Dental fillings and crowns are created in a conservative manner to preserve your complete smile, but sometimes damage to a tooth requires total removal beyond the scope of those solutions’ reparative capabilities. What you should know is that this is usually the first step in treating an oral health problem such as a severe cavity or physical injury. In fact, a proper extraction presents the opportunity for placing a full restoration that returns the appearance of a full set of teeth while restoring the quality of your bite. Your Cerritos, CA dentist can perform this procedure in a comfortable environment that seeks to calm any unsettled nerves. This service can prevent future harm to your smile from your current injury and put you on the path to receiving a visually pleasing custom restoration.


Dental Crowns With A Natural Appearance

Mature man smiling

Each day when you sit down to enjoy a meal, your teeth undergo a great amount of force from the pressure of chewing your food. When it is healthy, the outside layer of enamel provides the strength necessary for this activity, but sometimes problems arise. When you have a tooth that needs repair for damage to its surface, a dental crown can provide protection while recreating the natural white look of robust enamel. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA dentist discusses how this service and other restorations can enhance the function of your bite while improving the look of your smile!
