Roots Canals, Implants, Crowns, Oh My…

There are so many types of dentistry and dental procedures today–cosmetic dentistry, preventative dentistry, general dentistry, restorative dentistry–all offering a myriad of different treatments. Then there is oral pathology and oral surgery. Have you ever wondered what it all means? What is oral surgery? What is oral pathology? Your Cerritos, CA oral surgeon, Dr. Shawn Hofkes, received advanced training in oral surgery, and in today’s blog, he will give a brief overview of both.


What’s Causing Your Toothache?

Your tooth right? Not so fast. Toothaches are usually caused by deep decay reaching into the pulp of the tooth, commonly referred to as “the nerve.” Other sources of a toothache are inflammation of the gums due to gingivitis or periodontal disease. But, what if you are experiencing a toothache without apparent decay or other dental problems? Some toothaches can be of non-dental origin. If you are experiencing a toothache, contact your Cerritos, CA oral surgeon, Dr. Shawn Hofkes, for a thorough evaluation of your dentition, supporting gingival (gum) tissue, and bone to determine if your pain is non-dental related.


What Happens When I Develop a Cavity?

At some point in our lives, most of us will develop a cavity. In fact, only less than 2% of the population is immune to dental caries. While tooth decay is widespread, this doesn’t mean cavities aren’t a serious dental health issue. Recognizing the warning signs and seeking treatment for a cavity is essential for maintaining a healthy smile.


Is It Wise To Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth often present problems. That is why wisdom tooth removal is one of the most commonly performed dental surgeries. Because wisdom teeth erupt after the jaw is already formed, there is often a lack of space to accommodate them. Therefore they may grow in crooked, crowd other teeth, cause cheek or gum irritation, or even damage your jawbone. In the past it was a matter of course to remove wisdom teeth, but today every case is different. If your child–or you as an adult–is having difficulty with your wisdom teeth, contact your Cerritos, CA oral surgeon, Dr. Shawn Hofkes, to discuss whether wisdom tooth removal is right for you.


Q&A: Smile Restoration with Ceramic Crowns

Despite the strength of our teeth, our smiles aren’t immune to damage. Everything from trauma to advanced tooth decay can compromise our tooth structure. In many cases, you may require a dental crown to return your tooth to full function and health. With ceramic crowns, we can place a metal-free restoration that looks completely natural.


What Is Gum Grafting?

Are your gums bleeding, red, or swollen? Do they feel tender to the touch? Are they receding? Periodontal, or gum, disease is on the rise. This may be due to the aging population, or perhaps, in today’s economy people are taking shortcuts regarding their dental care. Whatever the reason, periodontal disease has been linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes. It’s been indicated that our dental health affects the health of our whole body, so dental care should not be ignored.  If you have red, bleeding, or sore gums you may be suffering from periodontal disease. Contact your Cerritos, CA oral surgeon, Dr. Shawn Hofkes, to discuss whether gum grafting is right for you.


Quiz: How Do Porcelain Veneers Rejuvenate Smiles?

At Cerritos Dental Surgery, we understand the importance of obtaining a beautiful smile. We want our patients to enjoy the improved confidence and qualify of life that accompanies improved dental health. To help address cosmetic smile issues, we offer innovative porcelain veneers. With porcelain veneers, you can experience complete smile rejuvenation with a single procedure.


FAQs: Do I Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

How do you feel about your smile? Do you look in the mirror and wish you could flash a smile that belongs on the red carpet? Many esthetic issues can plague a person’s smile, including teeth stains, misalignment, and damage from chips or decay. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can make completely transforming the appearance of your smile possible.


How Are Your Gums These Days?

With all the attention you pay to your teeth, you might expect to notice if something is wrong with your dental health. If your teeth don’t hurt, and they still retain their pearly-white, blemish-free appearance, then you could assume they were in excellent health. Unfortunately, that assumption may be wrong, especially if you miss the signs of gum disease. As the seal that protects your teeth roots from irritants and infections, your gums are vital to maintaining a healthy smile, and when they’re diseased, your teeth might not give you ample warning. (more…)

What Are The Steps For Dental Implants?

You are not happy with the way your teeth and your smile look. You may have a missing tooth or may have lost several teeth in an accident or from periodontal disease. What you know is that you do not look your absolute best. So, you begin to look for alternatives. One of those alternatives is dental implants. Your interest has been piqued and you are now interested in learning about the various stages of the dental implant stages.  (more…)