Sensitive teeth can be caused by a number of oral health issues, including cavities, small fractures or cracks, exposed roots, and worn tooth enamel, to name a few. The treatment for sensitive teeth depends on what the cause is, but there are measures you can take to prevent them from becoming an issue. For instance, practicing better hygiene can alleviate many cases of sensitive teeth by helping the enamel around them regain their strength. (more…)
What the PH Scale Says About Your Dental Health
Literally, pH stands for the potential of Hydrogen, and it measures the hydrogen-ion concentration of a substance. Empirically, the pH scale measures and classifies a substance’s acidity or baseness (opposite of acidity). A healthy mouth usually hovers around a pH of about 7.1, which is slightly above the neutral pH of seven. However, acids introduced through your diet are constantly lowering this number, endangering your teeth and dental health. (more…)
Can Your Oral Health Affect Your Brain Health?
As experts continue to study the complexities of human oral health, your mouth’s connection to your systemic wellbeing becomes more intricately understood. While this mouth-body connection is often discussed for the complications it can pose to your heart health, there are other arms to the connection that can affect various parts of your body aside from your heart. Today, we discuss how the state of your oral health can affect your brain health and cognitive function. (more…)
Oral Pathology: Looking for Oral Cancer
Oral pathology specifically focuses on diseases—usually serious ones—that begin with or revolve around various oral tissues and structures. In some cases, this may involve severe periodontitis and the destruction of your teeth’s supportive tissues, while in others, it may involve functional issues in the jaw’s joints and muscles. Often, however, oral pathology is the route through which we often can detect subtle abnormalities that mark the beginning and early stages of oral cancer. (more…)
Do Wisdom Teeth Make Other Teeth Hurt?
If you’ve ever experienced a toothache, then you may have an idea what the cooler weather has in store for sensitive teeth. Hot and cold temperatures notoriously aggravate sensitive teeth, and in some cases the sensitivity may be severe enough for a simple breath of cold air to send wracking waves of discomfort throughout your entire mouth. This discomfort is one motivating reason for people to opt for wisdom tooth removal before the errant molars have a chance to make their presence known. (more…)
Q&A: Think Sedation Isn’t For You? Think Again
When we speak with patients about the many benefits of sedation dentistry, we tend to discover that they assume this relaxing solution is strictly for individuals suffering from severe dental anxiety. And while this is true, sedation does provide a wonderful solution for patients who fear dental care, this treatment also offers advantages to a wide variety of patients with additional concerns. If you thought of sedation as a luxury and something simply not for you, you may need to think again. Look ahead to find out if your experience may become even better by asking about your candidacy:
Time for Wisdom Teeth Removal: Your FAQs
You may feel confident that you will need wisdom teeth removal to protect your oral health at some point in your life – but when is the right time? Are you supposed to just wake up one morning and decide that now is a good time to call us up to schedule your teeth removal, you may wonder? Fortunately, we have the explanations you are looking for with the following questions and answers. We encourage you to recognize that we make conservative diagnoses and decisions, ensuring we do what is best for your unique needs and oral health.
Compelling Reasons to Choose Dental Implants
Have you ever entertained the idea of replacing your missing teeth with dental implants? What is holding you back? We often find that patients have a broad understanding of a prosthetic solution but are unaware of the major benefits surrounding the details. If you have been thinking about how to best address your tooth loss for long-term satisfaction and a strong, healthy smile, we encourage you to consider some very compelling reasons to say, “yes” to implants.
What To Do During A Dental Emergency
Do you know what to do in the case of a sudden dental trauma? Chances are, since you never plan for an accident involving your teeth or gums, you may not know what to do when an emergency occurs. First, recognize that we are here to help you and understand the urgency of your situation. Next, we encourage you to look over the following answers to patients’ frequently asked questions regarding what to do during a dental emergency.
Could You Be At Risk for Dry Socket?
Tooth extractions are fairly commonplace in modern dentistry. There may come a time when your tooth is too damaged to be saved and the best option will be to remove it. After a tooth extraction, it is imperative that you follow your doctor’s orders regarding aftercare, or risk a painful and often debilitating condition known as dry socket. Once this complication has occurred, it will not typically clear up on its own, and you should visit your dentist for immediate treatment. (more…)