Q&A About Oral Sedation

Do you suffer from a great deal of hesitation or nervousness when it comes to keeping up with your dental appointments? Perhaps you are not uneasy when it comes to preventive care but certain procedures cause you some serious anxiety. If any of this sounds familiar, you may have found yourself wishing for some magic pill that you could take to make dental care a breeze. If so, you will love what you’re about to learn. We offer oral sedation to calm you during your dental visits, so you can enjoy the relaxing experience you desire. Feeling interested but you have some questions to ask first? Discover answers to FAQs with the following information:


Quiz: Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

We see many patients that feel exhausted and sleep deprived, wondering, “Do I have sleep apnea?” There are several warning signs of OSA and we recommend seeking treatment immediately should you encounter them. You will not only sleep better, but also enjoy better overall health.


What You Didn’t Know About Tooth Extractions

When dealing with the health of your teeth, it is important to understand what they go through, such as the variety of foods and drinks consumed throughout the day, along with daily habits, like chewing on things that aren’t food or using teeth as tools to open objects. This, along with improper dental care, can greatly affect your dental health and can progress into further dental issues, including tooth decay, gingivitis, or gum disease. If infection becomes severe, tooth extraction may be required to remove an affected tooth or teeth. (more…)

Learn More About Tooth Loss and Dental Implants

It may be common, and most people are aware of its possibility, but there is still much about tooth loss that the average patient may not be aware of. Likewise, not everyone may immediately realize the variety of factors that must be considered when replacing lost teeth. Fortunately, losing one or more teeth does not have to devastate your confidence, or your oral health. With dental implants, the vital functions that your teeth and their roots perform can be fully reestablished to not only restore your smile, but also preserve its health and integrity. (more…)

How to Stay Calm During a Dental Emergency

When a dental emergency strikes, one of your greatest hindrances to protecting your smile may be panic (depending on the nature of the emergency). Even if you don’t panic, however, lack of knowledge can cause you to mishandle the situation, which in turn could make your emergency worse than it has to be. To help you stay calm and successfully manage a dental emergency, we explain what, exactly, a dental emergency is, and the steps you should take to minimize the potential dental damage. (more…)

Frequently Asked Questions About Sleep Apnea

Even though many people don’t understand their snoring, many of them still automatically assume that it is harmless to their overall health. In fact, unless their partners complain about the noise, they may not see it as much of a problem at all. If the condition is minor, you may be able to alleviate snoring with simple changes like switching your sleeping position (sleeping on your back increases the risk of snoring). If your snoring is severe, or if it is merely a symptom of a larger disorder, such as sleep apnea, then you could require professional treatment to relieve snoring and sleep apnea. (more…)

The Benefits of Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal

The trouble with wisdom teeth, or third molars, is that, even though they grow naturally, your dental ridges might not be able to accommodate them. If so, then their growth can lead to a host of increasingly more serious issues, including dental damage and worsening discomfort. Besides alleviating pain, the benefits of impacted wisdom tooth removal also include improved long-term dental health, which we explain by examining the nature of impacted third molars. (more…)

What’s Wrong with Dry Mouth?

When you first wake up in the morning, on an especially hot day, or when you simply haven’t had a drink in a while, dry mouth is common, and is characteristically an uncomfortable feeling. Usually, drinking water can eliminate your discomfort, but how do you find relief when your mouth refuses to produce saliva? Today, we describe what chronic dry mouth, called xerostomia, can mean for your oral health, and what you can do to combat it. (more…)

When Should I Choose Dental Sedation?

In dentistry, sedation is used in a number of different cases, from patients who require extensive restorative work to those who experience fear and anxiety at the prospect of visiting the dentist. With the goal of making your visit more pleasant and your procedure more comfortable, sedation dentistry has helped many patients receive dental care that they might otherwise choose not to receive. Today, we explore the advantage of dental sedation, and why you might choose it to help improve your oral health. (more…)

Does Your Snoring Point to Sleep Apnea?

Snoring is a common problem, but other than disturbing those around you, the noisy habit is typically dismissed as little more than annoying. Sometimes, however, excessive snoring can be indicative of a sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, which can deprive you of rest even though it doesn’t fully wake you up. Today, we explore the problem of sleep apnea, and how you can detect it even if no one is around to complain. (more…)