When a dental emergency strikes, one of your greatest hindrances to protecting your smile may be panic (depending on the nature of the emergency). Even if you don’t panic, however, lack of knowledge can cause you to mishandle the situation, which in turn could make your emergency worse than it has to be. To help you stay calm and successfully manage a dental emergency, we explain what, exactly, a dental emergency is, and the steps you should take to minimize the potential dental damage. (more…)
Frequently Asked Questions About Sleep Apnea
Even though many people don’t understand their snoring, many of them still automatically assume that it is harmless to their overall health. In fact, unless their partners complain about the noise, they may not see it as much of a problem at all. If the condition is minor, you may be able to alleviate snoring with simple changes like switching your sleeping position (sleeping on your back increases the risk of snoring). If your snoring is severe, or if it is merely a symptom of a larger disorder, such as sleep apnea, then you could require professional treatment to relieve snoring and sleep apnea. (more…)
The Benefits of Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal
The trouble with wisdom teeth, or third molars, is that, even though they grow naturally, your dental ridges might not be able to accommodate them. If so, then their growth can lead to a host of increasingly more serious issues, including dental damage and worsening discomfort. Besides alleviating pain, the benefits of impacted wisdom tooth removal also include improved long-term dental health, which we explain by examining the nature of impacted third molars. (more…)
What’s Wrong with Dry Mouth?
When you first wake up in the morning, on an especially hot day, or when you simply haven’t had a drink in a while, dry mouth is common, and is characteristically an uncomfortable feeling. Usually, drinking water can eliminate your discomfort, but how do you find relief when your mouth refuses to produce saliva? Today, we describe what chronic dry mouth, called xerostomia, can mean for your oral health, and what you can do to combat it. (more…)
When Should I Choose Dental Sedation?
In dentistry, sedation is used in a number of different cases, from patients who require extensive restorative work to those who experience fear and anxiety at the prospect of visiting the dentist. With the goal of making your visit more pleasant and your procedure more comfortable, sedation dentistry has helped many patients receive dental care that they might otherwise choose not to receive. Today, we explore the advantage of dental sedation, and why you might choose it to help improve your oral health. (more…)
Does Your Snoring Point to Sleep Apnea?
Snoring is a common problem, but other than disturbing those around you, the noisy habit is typically dismissed as little more than annoying. Sometimes, however, excessive snoring can be indicative of a sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, which can deprive you of rest even though it doesn’t fully wake you up. Today, we explore the problem of sleep apnea, and how you can detect it even if no one is around to complain. (more…)
In-Depth Oral Examinations for Better Dental Health
Effective general dental care relies heavily on routine examinations that allow your dentist to inspect your teeth, gums, and oral tissues for signs of developing issues. Through your regular checkups, you can reduce your risks of tooth decay and gum disease, as well as the need for restorative dental care to address them. By contrast, an in-depth examination from your oral surgeon includes a specialized oral pathology examination to check for and diagnose serious diseases, including oral cancer. (more…)
Answering Questions About Wisdom Tooth Extraction
“Wisdom teeth” is the common nickname given to the third and last set of molars that many adults grow. Depending on how yours have grown, they may pass unnoticed, seem slightly uncomfortable, or cause severe, near-debilitating discomfort. Because of the problems that often accompany your third molars, they are the most-frequently extracted types of adult teeth. In fact, many patients choose to remove their wisdom teeth before problems begin to avoid the restorative work that may be necessary later. (more…)
When Oral Surgery is the Best Option
Oral surgery is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing and treating deformities, injuries, and invasive diseases in or near the mouth. More involved than general dental care, oral surgery is often required to correct deep-seated foundational problems that can affect your mouth’s proper function, or when dental disease penetrates deeply enough to require surgery to extract it. As part of our dedication to helping you maintain all aspects of your oral health, we explore some of the conditions that may require the expertise of an oral surgeon. (more…)
Test Your Knowledge Of Dental Implant Terms
Thinking about visiting us for dental implant placement to restore your smile? We think you are making a wonderful decision that will have a lasting and positive impact on your quality of life and your oral health. Though we assume that you are likely equally excited and confident about your decision, you may find that the closer you get to beginning treatment, the more you would like to make sure you know exactly what we are talking about when we discuss placement and recovery. To make sure you know what’s what, your best bet is to ensure you are familiar with the main terms associated with implants. Ready to see how much you know and to sharpen your vocabulary a bit? Take the following quiz: