Monday Night At The Movies

Are you a fan of enjoying summer nights outside? Is there something about spending time with friends and family on a picnic blanket in the park that sends you into a bout of nostalgia? If so, do yourself a favor and kick off the month of July by joining your fellow community members for a movie in the park. You’ll love this upcoming series of events.

About the Event

This event is Monday Night at the Movies. You will join other Cerritos members in the park to watch a movie every Monday. The only thing that may cause you some difficulty is trying to split your time between keeping your eyes on the screen and gazing up at the beautiful night sky! The movie will change each Monday, so you can enjoy a summer full of exciting film watching. This first of the series will include a viewing of The Lion King, rated G.

Event Location

The movie night will take place at Liberty Park at the following address:

19211 Studebaker Road
Cerritos, CA 90703

Event Date and Time

The first movie night will take place on Monday, July 6, 2015. The movie will begin at 8:15pm.

Event Cost

This event is free.

Additional Information

Have questions? Call (562) 916-1254 for additional information.


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