Do you find yourself feeling uncertain about why you need an oral examination, when to schedule a visit for one, and what might come of this dental care service? We understand that a trip to the dentist might not be your outing of choice. However, checkups are a necessary part of protecting your smile! Learn more about the ins and outs of exams with our friendly quiz.
Quiz: Flossing, Brushing, And Dental Implants
When patients receive dental implants, they often become hyper-concerned about the daily care they will be providing themselves going forward. Of course, we appreciate the level of dedication patients have for their oral health. However, feeling overwhelmed or worried about your smile after receiving implants is not necessary. The care you provide for your smile free of prosthetic devices is nearly identical to the suggestions we set forth for your post-implant life. Allow us to cover some common concerns with a helpful quiz.
Tooth Replacement Terms To Learn
Once you have made the decision to repair your smile when tooth loss leaves it with open spaces, you will find that you are introduced to a whole new world: The world of prosthetic dentistry like dental implants, that is. While the wonders that await you are very exciting and mean that you will soon have your smile back, there may be a bit of a hurdle to overcome. Fortunately, it comes in the form of some new vocabulary that, once learned, is no longer an obstacle at all. To help prepare you to learn about your options and to make your choice, we offer a few terms that will make things much easier.
2 Ways Implants Provide Support
When you begin learning about choosing dental implants for your smile, you likely come across some exciting benefits. Among the many details, it’s quite common to form an understanding that implants offer patients exceptional support. However, throwing the term “support” around without any specifics can feel a bit vague. As a result, we are ready to ensure you become informed regarding the way this tooth replacement solution can provide you the reinforcement you need.
National Dental Hygiene Month Is Here!
This month, we welcome both the promise of nicer weather as well as the celebration of National Dental Hygiene Month! As a result, we encourage you to make the most of your October by thinking about your usual approach to your dental care. Are you doing all that you can at home? Do you have questions? Are you in need of a treatment from our practice but you have been procrastinating? Let us help you make use of this opportunity to start off with a clean slate.
Quiz: Sleep Apnea’s Long-Term Effects
Do you feel some urgency to come in for sleep apnea treatment but not enough to schedule a visit immediately? Are you curious about why we seem so serious about your need to begin treatment as soon as you can? What you may be overlooking is the fact that sleep apnea does not only bring with it a series of side effects that impact your daily life but also your long-term wellbeing. As a result, the sooner you commit to treatment, the greater your chance at avoiding serious harm to your overall health. Quiz yourself to find out more!
Oral Surgery: Who, What, Where…?
When you find out that you should schedule oral surgery to improve the health of your smile, you may find this sends your mind reeling. Why do you need surgery? Is this going to be a convenient thing or something that makes your life more complex, you wonder? Fortunately, coming in for this type of treatment is one of the best moves you can make to quickly get your oral health back on track. As for the details that you are not yet certain about, consider our “Who, What, Where, When, Why?” approach to helping you sort out the specifics.
After Tooth Loss: Why You Shouldn’t Give Up
Do you feel like you’ve lost some of your get-up-and-go after experiencing tooth loss? We understand that it can be very challenging to spring back from losing a tooth or multiple teeth. However, you will be happy to find out it’s something that happens to people every single day, both men and women, and to people of nearly every age. Fortunately, you can control how you respond to this challenge (with our help) and you can look forward to a restored smile. Let us offer some sage advice.
Gum Health And Dental Implant Failure
Have you ever spent time trying to figure out how a dental implant can fail? Are you someone who likes to receive as many details as possible, so you understand the behind-the-scenes way things work, rather than simply receiving some superficial information? If so, you may be curious about how your gum health can affect implant failure (or success, of course). Take a moment to become more familiar with why it’s so important your gums stay healthy and how to avoid any missteps along the way.
Away-From-Home Sleep Apnea Treatment
So, you’re planning a business trip, a vacation, a quick trip for fun! You’re headed to a wedding and plan on staying the night at a relative or friend’s house! You need to babysit your brother’s kids while Mom and Dad are out of town just for the night! There are a lot of things that can take you away from your own bed and your usual nightly routine for sleep apnea treatment. While this can cause you to wonder how to approach your time away from home, you’ll be happy to know we have some very easy-to-follow recommendations.