It can make you feel somewhat nervous to move forward when it is time to receive a full tooth extraction. Afterall, the goal of other oral health procedures is often to leave as much healthy tissue in the remaining natural structure as possible. Dental fillings and crowns are created in a conservative manner to preserve… Read more »
Each day when you sit down to enjoy a meal, your teeth undergo a great amount of force from the pressure of chewing your food. When it is healthy, the outside layer of enamel provides the strength necessary for this activity, but sometimes problems arise. When you have a tooth that needs repair for damage… Read more »
Is your smile as bright as you would like it to be? Over the years, stains and blemishes can build on the surface of your teeth and cause unwanted discoloration. As your teeth become yellow, this can have a serious effect on your self-confidence and leave you wondering what solutions are available for treatment. Gel-based… Read more »
If you have recently lost one or more of your teeth, you know the difficulties go beyond the effect on your personal appearance. In addition to creating an unsightly gap in your smile, tooth loss makes it hard to comfortably bite and chew at mealtime. This is because you shift your jaw in awkward positions… Read more »
Your dentist provides multiple services to address functional and cosmetic concerns with your oral health. Sometimes the level of care required for a procedure is more involved and can cause anxiety in certain patients. The anticipation of these feelings may even cause them to delay treatment which can compound existing smile problems. Fortunately, for those… Read more »
When is it time to visit your dentist outside of routine cleanings? Sometimes taking care of your oral health requires more than only brushing and flossing your teeth. If you have noticed an abrupt change to the tissues of your mouth, it could be time to schedule a visit to receive an oral cancer screening…. Read more »
How do you protect your smile while you are asleep? You might be grinding and clenching your teeth at night without being aware of the harm this behavior causes. If not addressed, damage to your enamel from unconscious wear and tear can lead to serious complications with your oral health. This condition, known as bruxism,… Read more »
Pain in your face and jaw is an important issue to discuss with your dentist when you attend routine checkups. What you can discover is that the discomfort is not related to tooth decay, but that it is caused by molars that have not yet erupted. As they appear in your mouth, your wisdom teeth… Read more »
Imperfections can affect the shape and color of your teeth as you age. Daily wear and tear can make you wonder what options are available to enhance the look of your smile. While certain problems can be solved using the natural material of your teeth, some benefit from a synthetic solution. Orthodontics, for example, can… Read more »
Losing a tooth has a significant impact on your quality of life. Whether caused by injury or illness, a gap in your smile can create great embarrassment with your appearance. It can harm your ability to comfortably bite and chew your food. Your jaw may become sore as you shift the alignment of your bite… Read more »
When you have a serious case of periodontal disease, this could lead to tissues receding to expose sensitive portions of your roots. But our team can manage the disease and…
When you lose more than one natural tooth, this could lead to a weakened jaw that prevents you from being able to receive dental implants. To strengthen your smile and…
When you have a tooth that is too severely damaged to be treated with a dental restoration, then we could remove it to protect your smile from major complications. Our…