When you have a serious case of periodontal disease, this could lead to tissues receding to expose sensitive portions of your roots. But our team can manage the disease and correct these issues with gum grafts. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about the three types of gum grafts our team provides, and how these can help reshape your gum line and better manage periodontal disease to keep your smile whole and healthy!
(more…)Bone Grafting Helps Strengthen Your Jaw
When you lose more than one natural tooth, this could lead to a weakened jaw that prevents you from being able to receive dental implants. To strengthen your smile and offer a stronger jaw, you need a grafting procedure. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about how we conduct a bone grafting procedure.
(more…)How Tooth Extraction Could Protect Smiles
When you have a tooth that is too severely damaged to be treated with a dental restoration, then we could remove it to protect your smile from major complications. Our team can also prevent issues like wisdom tooth impaction! In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about how we protect smiles with tooth extraction.
(more…)A Same-Day Smile With All-On-Four
We talked about how we can replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, but what if you have severe tooth loss? What if you need a set of dentures? Instead of seeking replacement with removable dentures, our team can offer a same-day dental implant alternative. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about the All-On-Four system!
(more…)How Dental Implants Secure A Full Smile
When you lose a tooth, or if you have lost most or all of your teeth, then you need tooth replacement to obtain a full smile again. From individual missing teeth to All-On-Four fixed dentures, we can help you smile with confidence again. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about the benefits of implant dentistry.
(more…)Removing Wisdom Teeth Before They Erupt
Our team wants to help safeguard your smile against the risks posed by your wisdom teeth. As people approach their 20s, the risk of up to four new teeth arriving will increase. But your Cerritos, CA, dentist can protect your smile from impaction and misalignment with wisdom tooth extraction.
(more…)Bone Grafting Helps Prepare Your Jaw For Implants
When you lose your natural teeth, this could lead to a weakened jaw and even complicate your ability to receive dental implants. But our team can offer a unique oral surgical procedure to strengthen the smile and ensure it is dental implant ready. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about bone grafting and implant placement.
(more…)Addressing Your Oral Pathology
Oral pathology refers to possible concerns with the soft tissues in your mouth, such as oral cancer. From the initial screening, to biopsy and treatment, we can help you each step of the way. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about how we address common oral pathologies.
(more…)All-On-Four Provides A New Smile In One Visit
When you have lost the majority of your natural teeth, this could impact your quality of life, including how you eat and speak. But our team can provide a new set of teeth in one visit, so you can enjoy a functional and lifelike smile! In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about how we support a new smile in one appointment with All-On-Four.
(more…)How Extracting Wisdom Teeth Helps Your Smile
When you have wisdom teeth on the verge of eruption, we want to remove them completely from your smile before this happens. With a tooth extraction, we can protect you from the major complications of wisdom tooth eruption. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist explains how and why we remove your third molars with a safe and gentle tooth extraction.