Category: Patient Education

When Extracting a Tooth Is Better Than Keeping It

Many patients don’t exactly welcome the news that one of their teeth has to be extracted. Even if the tooth hurts because it is severely damaged or infected, losing it can seem more devastating than dealing with it. As far as your dental health is concerned, however, the opposite may be true. In some cases,… Read more »

How Smoking Destroys Your Oral Health

The dangers of smoking and tobacco use are no longer really debatable. Over the last few decades, numerous studies have uncovered the link between smoking and several chronic, potentially fatal health issues, including a variety of cancers. Your oral health also suffers from the habit, and not just your breath or the color of your… Read more »

A Look at the Types of Dental Implants

It may surprise you to learn that the idea of dental implants dates back as far as 1,350 years ago. An excavated Mayan burial site in Honduras unearthed the remains of a woman believed to be in her twenties, with three shells placed where her lower incisor teeth should have been, and compact bone formation… Read more »

How Dental Surgery Can Help You

Unlike dental checkups and cleanings, which you should attend consistently, you might never have a need for dental surgery. When it comes to your dental health (like with your general health), dental surgery is only called for when a routine dental treatment will not suffice. Depending on your exact needs, such circumstances may include removing… Read more »

Better Hygiene for Less Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be caused by a number of oral health issues, including cavities, small fractures or cracks, exposed roots, and worn tooth enamel, to name a few. The treatment for sensitive teeth depends on what the cause is, but there are measures you can take to prevent them from becoming an issue. For instance, practicing… Read more »

What the PH Scale Says About Your Dental Health

Literally, pH stands for the potential of Hydrogen, and it measures the hydrogen-ion concentration of a substance. Empirically, the pH scale measures and classifies a substance’s acidity or baseness (opposite of acidity). A healthy mouth usually hovers around a pH of about 7.1, which is slightly above the neutral pH of seven. However, acids introduced… Read more »

Can Your Oral Health Affect Your Brain Health?

As experts continue to study the complexities of human oral health, your mouth’s connection to your systemic wellbeing becomes more intricately understood. While this mouth-body connection is often discussed for the complications it can pose to your heart health, there are other arms to the connection that can affect various parts of your body aside… Read more »

Do Wisdom Teeth Make Other Teeth Hurt?

If you’ve ever experienced a toothache, then you may have an idea what the cooler weather has in store for sensitive teeth. Hot and cold temperatures notoriously aggravate sensitive teeth, and in some cases the sensitivity may be severe enough for a simple breath of cold air to send wracking waves of discomfort throughout your… Read more »

Power Eating for Better Teeth

Sugarplums may dance around this time of year, but sugar itself is detrimental to healthy teeth. Any food which contains large amounts of sucrose will increase and intensify the production of plaque. Plaque is a sticky biofilm which will adhere to your teeth, and eventually turns into tartar when it hardens. Plaque and tartar on… Read more »

Flashback to the 1800s: Oral Hygiene Then and Now

It’s always fascinating to see how far we’ve come over the past hundred years or so. Other than fashion, nowhere are these changes more obvious than in matters of health and hygiene. Modern dental technology and improved access to professional dentistry have made it easier than ever to maintain a higher quality of oral health,… Read more »