What Increases Your Risk For Sleep Apnea?

There isn’t one specific factor that causes a sleep disorder, but understanding the different types of sleep apnea will explain how the condition occurs. Unfortunately, reaching a diagnosis can often be difficult because many sufferers are unaware that symptoms are occurring in their sleep. Instead, they may feel persistently tired during the day – but that could also point to fatigue, or even depression. Diagnosing the type of sleep apnea you have (obstructive or central) is typically done through a sleep study that measures your oxygen levels during your sleep cycle, but both are caused by different factors in your body. (more…)

The Dinner Detective Show & Harbor Cruise

The Dinner Detective is known for their award-winning murder mystery dinner shows that involve solving a comical mystery while enjoying a four-course meal. Whether you’ve been to a murder mystery dinner before or not – we can guarantee you haven’t seen anything like this before. The Dinner Detective takes things to a whole new level by hiding actors and actresses among the crowd in plain clothes. The murderer may be among the crowd somewhere… but you’ll be left to figure out who’s a part of the show and who’s not! It really makes for an engaging and unforgettable experience – and all it requires is a short drive over to Long Beach. (more…)

An Overview Of Oral Cancer Risks & Symptoms

The key to treating any cancer is early detection – the earlier you’re able to catch it, the easier it is to treat. However, this isn’t always possible. Many people are unaware of who is even at risk for a condition like oral cancer – let alone know the symptoms associated with the condition. Fortunately, your dentist checks for anything abnormal around your face, mouth, and throat before cleaning your teeth each visit. In many cases, though, patients can go 6 months without seeing their dentist for the next cleaning and checkup. So how can you detect oral cancer before it progresses? (more…)

How To Treat Advanced Gum Disease

According to a study that was recently conducted by the CDC, periodontitis (advanced gum disease) affects almost half of Americans 30 and older. Unfortunately, once you’ve suffered from periodontitis, it can easily recur if bacteria builds up in your mouth – and in severe cases, the end result is often tooth loss. The best way to avoid gum disease altogether is by practicing preventive dentistry – but in some cases, this can’t always keep the infection at bay. If the signs of gingivitis have gone unnoticed and you’re suffering from advanced periodontitis, rest assured tooth loss is not your only way out of the infection. (more…)

Top 3 Benefits Of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry has become increasingly popular over the past several years. For many patients, making a dentist appointment can be extremely difficult due to fear or anxiety. If this sounds familiar to you, don’t let your fright get in the way of necessary dental procedures. Depending on the severity of your anxiety, your dentist will recommend different medications to help take the edge off while your teeth are being worked on. Using these medications can increase your comfort level, relaxing you to the point of sleep (in some cases) – benefiting you and your dentist throughout the procedure. (more…)

Understanding Tooth Extraction And Its Necessity

Usually when patients hear the word “extraction” from their dentist, they’re referring to their wisdom teeth – or third molars. Unfortunately, your wisdom teeth are not the only teeth that may need to be removed in your lifetime. Severe infections such as gum disease and tooth decay may raise concerns if the bacteria doesn’t respond well to other treatments. Extraction is your dentist’s last resort, of course, but when your tooth cannot be saved, it becomes necessary in order to protect your oral health. While losing your natural tooth may seem scary, rest assured – restoring the look of your natural tooth and its function is easier than ever these days. (more…)

Bone Grafting: Bettering Your Oral Health

Jawbone deterioration is nothing to take lightly – it’s one of the worst consequences of lost teeth. Without the proper stimulation from the root of your tooth, it’s inevitable that you’ll begin to lose bone density and shape over time. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way – bone grafting has made it possible to rebuild and strengthen jaw structure. Your dentist is able to use different sources (depending on what they believe will work best for you personally) such as; your own bone or synthetic materials. Not only can bone grafting benefit your jawbone, but it can also provide more stability for your replacement tooth (or teeth). (more…)

“2nd Story Gallery”

Whether you’re an aspiring artist or you simply just appreciate artistic talent, 2nd Story Gallery could be the perfect evening for you. While it does require a short drive about an hour away to San Dimas, the artwork and experience are definitely worth it. Actually, an Artists Reception is being held this evening, if you’re so inclined, where you can enjoy a delicious dinner while learning about the intricate artwork created by this month’s artists; Renee L. Matter and Kathleen McCall. The original Victorian-style house that holds the 2nd Story Gallery has an inspiring atmosphere with its stained glass windows and beautiful woodwork. (more…)

A Simple Guide To Understanding Dental Implants

When it comes to restoring your lost teeth, you typically have several options to choose from. It can seem overwhelming, at first, when you’re learning the ins and outs of each one, but it’s important to help determine which restoration option will work best for you. That’s why we’ve tried to make understanding dental implants as simple as possible with this short guide. Over the past few decades implants have become increasingly popular and are often the treatment of choice now. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or multiple teeth – or even if you need a full mouth rehabilitation – there are many advantages to choosing dental implants. (more…)

Tooth Brushing Myths Vs. Facts

You’ve probably heard all about cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease by now, but have you heard about the best way to avoid them? Preventive dentistry is the most effective way to keep infection-causing bacteria away from your teeth. This includes visiting your dentist, maintaining a healthy diet, and most importantly; practicing excellent oral hygiene. However, since tooth brushing is generally taught in the home, many people do it differently. This has caused many tooth brushing myths to circulate, so we’re here to debunk those and give you the real facts! (more…)