Losing one or more of your teeth can create rapid complications for your oral health quite quickly. Not only does a missing tooth leave an impact on your appearance, but the impact on your alignment can damage your remaining teeth as well. Left untreated, an open gap in your smile allows remaining neighbors to drift… Read more »
If you are beginning to lose multiple teeth, your new condition can sometimes feel overwhelming. The effect on your appearance can be jarring as your facial muscles lose the support of your teeth and begin to sink in. Everyday activities like eating and speaking can become a chore as you attempt to maneuver around your… Read more »
Planning for the arrival of your wisdom teeth can help you protect your oral health and preserve the comfort and alignment of your bite. Most people can expect these third molars to erupt in their late teen years or twenties. Although certain people experience no issues, regularly visiting the dentist to discuss the movement of… Read more »
Whenever you lose a tooth, receiving a dental implant can help you prevent the oral complications that come with an altered bite. Left alone, a gap in your smile not only degrades the beauty of your smile but can lead to further damage to the remaining teeth in your mouth. Misalignment is known to increase… Read more »
Losing one or more of your teeth is a frustrating event that affects multiple aspects of your daily life. While the esthetic impact on your smile is quite clear, a missing tooth causes immediate functional problems when eating and speaking. Without treatment, this condition can rapidly age your appearance as the muscles of your face… Read more »
Is your smile as bright as you would like it to be? When years of staining begin to darken the shade of your teeth, you can begin to lose pride in your otherwise healthy smile. This process can become apparent overnight as recent photographs show a bright white appearance and cause you to question if… Read more »
To repair a tooth and offer improvement that looks natural too, we can employ ceramic crowns. As part of our cosmetic dental treatments, these restorations can blend with your smile.…
Do you feel nervous about seeing the dentist? We know that sometimes dental anxiety stands between people and the treatments they need, particularly if these treatments are more involved oral…
When you have a serious case of periodontal disease, this could lead to tissues receding to expose sensitive portions of your roots. But our team can manage the disease and…