One of the more common issues affecting American mouths is the infection of the periodontal tissue. This material forms what we know of as the gums. Without its protection, many aspects of our oral health are in jeopardy. Deeper infection may for instance occur as a result of the removal of the vital protection of… Read more »
Wisdom tooth extraction is a common rite of passage for many adolescents. These are evolutionary holdovers from a time when we needed more jaw strength in order to chew raw meat. After many generations eating cooked food, human jaws have become slimmer and therefore do not have as much room. When your third molars start… Read more »
If you are experiencing a failing tooth, you can understand the insecurity that can come alongside this process. Or perhaps you have recently had an extraction and are looking for a beautiful and functional new prosthodontic repair solution. No matter the case, there is a technological procedure that can help you to restore strength to… Read more »
Around the start of the coming year, people start to plan their resolutions. We sit down and take stock of the positives of the past twelve months and try to set attainable, yet bold goals. This approach can help you to plan for cosmetic dental improvement by giving you something to strive toward that can… Read more »
Some of the more common sleep disorders interact with our oral health. One of the more prevalent unconscious movements that our brain uses as an outlet is with the grinding of teeth. When this happens throughout the day, you may be able to stop yourself from continuing this behavior. At night, however, it can be… Read more »
It is hard to believe, but the year is rapidly coming to a close. As we shut the door on 2022, it is a fantastic time to look at our health and see where we can improve over the next year. Some of our most common resolutions can also be beneficial to our dental future…. Read more »
Life can be stressful enough without the added strain of cosmetic dental concerns. We as humans develop much of our self-confidence from our smiles, and when they are holding us back, it can prevent us from living to the fullest. We are also living in a hectic time, and finding the space in your schedule… Read more »
Cosmetic dental concerns are very common, as rarely is anyone born with the perfect smile. Despite the need for these forms of procedures, patients may feel self-conscious when seeking an improvement to their appearance. Strengthening the look and feel of your smile can be a uniquely positive experience that lifts your confidence. A dental enhancement… Read more »
Dental surgery can be helpful to restore injured or infected smiles. This term refers to a few different procedures that include the physical movement of parts of the mouth as a medical remedy. Gum grafting, for instance, is the repair of our periodontal recession. This process can help renew a vigorous gumline and the barrier… Read more »
Sometimes despite all our best efforts, a tooth extraction procedure is necessary to ensure the ongoing wellness of your smile. This may be due to structural concerns or from a severe infection. Whatever the situation may be, you might be looking at your tooth replacement options in order to determine the best fit for you…. Read more »
Do you feel nervous about seeing the dentist? We know that sometimes dental anxiety stands between people and the treatments they need, particularly if these treatments are more involved oral…
When you have a serious case of periodontal disease, this could lead to tissues receding to expose sensitive portions of your roots. But our team can manage the disease and…
When you lose more than one natural tooth, this could lead to a weakened jaw that prevents you from being able to receive dental implants. To strengthen your smile and…