Category: Oral Surgery

FAQs: What is Oral Pathology?

How often do you have a checkup? Many adults assume a checkup is a very minor procedure and one they can afford to miss. In fact, a checkup allows your dentist to watch for signs of dental disease, including gum disease and oral cancer. At Cerritos Dental Surgery, we offer our patients the latest in oral… Read more »

How to Qualify for Dental Implants If You’re Jaw’s Less than Perfect

If you lost a permanent tooth in an adolescent accident or if you’ve been wearing dentures for years, you might be concerned that replacing that missing tooth with a dental implant might be beyond your reach. After all, a few quick searches on dental implant websites indicate that poor jawbone density (a common side effect… Read more »

Premedicating Before Oral Surgery: What You Need to Know

Did you ever wonder why you have to fill out a medical history form at the dentist’s office? After all, he’s just fixing your teeth, right? Actually, the health of your mouth is intimately connected to your general health. Similarly, the state of your general health can amplify the risks associated with certain types of… Read more »

How Do Impacted Third Molars Cause Infection?

As we discussed in our last post, the threat of impacted third molars leading to overcrowding of the front teeth is low and therefore not a good reason – on its own – to justify an extraction. However, the possibility of infection of the area around the wisdom tooth, a condition known as pericoronitis, is… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions about Oral Biopsies

Your dentist has located a patch of cells, a lesion, or a small bump that needs to be analyzed so an accurate diagnosis can be made and treatment plan developed. To achieve these goals, you will need an oral biopsy, a procedure during which your dentist or oral surgeon removes a small section of the… Read more »

Exploring Oral Pathology: A Closer Look at Three Diseases of the Mouth

When we think about dentists, and what dentists do, we tend to focus solely on their role as care providers for the teeth and gums. However, general dentists are the first line in identifying and, in the case of dentist with specialized training in oral surgery, treating serious oral health issues. Today, we’re discussing just… Read more »

Why Do Dental Implants Cost So Much?

In yesterday’s post, we discussed whether receiving dental implants was worth the investment in time and money. Determining the return on investment for the procedure is a highly personal matter, but for the right patient, dental implants can provide a new lease on life. However, the cost intensive nature of the treatment presents an obstacle… Read more »

Are Dental Implants a Good Investment?

Once an adult tooth is lost, it’s gone forever . . . or is it? Dental implants provide a secure, long-lasting tooth replacement option that features a true-to-life design meant to mimic the crown and root structure of a natural tooth. Moreover, dental implant posts can be used to replace one tooth or a full… Read more »

Is Third Molar Extraction Surgery Safe?

Some high profile news stories emerged in the past two years detailing how apparently healthy young people have died as a result of routine third molar (wisdom tooth) extraction surgery. In most cases, the patient passed away as a result of an adverse reaction to the anesthetics or sedatives administered to manage discomfort during the… Read more »

Do You Need a Simple or Surgical Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The average human jaw can accommodate 28 teeth. However, sometime during the late teens or early twenties, about 75% of the population develops four (or more, in some cases) additional molars. These teeth, referred to as wisdom teeth or third molars, can cause crowding if they grow in normally. If they grow in at an… Read more »