Why and How You Should Stop Snoring

Not everyone snores. Still, the phenomenon is common enough that when someone does snore, they may not consider it a problem worth solving (or a problem at all). The truth, though, is that snoring should not be a normal part of your sleeping routine, and when it is, it could indicate a threat to your overall health. With ample experience helping patients stop snoring, and treating its related condition, obstructive sleep apnea, we can help you find the rest you need and reduce your risk of other systemic health risks.

Is Snoring Dangerous?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is marked by noticeably loud snoring, describes a condition that causes patients to stop breathing in their sleep. Like snoring, OSA is caused by an obstruction in your airway, usually from over-relaxed and/or abnormally-large oral tissues. Because OSA involves repeated interruptions to your sleep, it can lead to sleep deprivation and increased risks of cardiovascular troubles.

Even without the presence of OSA, however, snoring can still pose a risk to your health if not treated. The airway obstruction that causes you to snore also causes you to work harder for a less oxygen while you sleep. While many people might not recognize the threat or experience symptoms immediately, unabated snoring should be addressed as soon as possible.

Snoring / Sleep Apnea Treatment

Though the risk factors and severity of snoring differ from patient to patient, the fact that the main cause is airway obstruction can make snoring/sleep apnea treatment simpler. In many cases, we can custom-design a mouthguard that holds your lower jaw slightly forward, keeping your airway clear and free of tissues that could inhibit your breathing while you sleep. In severe cases, oral surgery may be necessary to correct abnormal throat and oral tissues.