Category: Wisdom Teeth

When Should I Start Worrying About Wisdom Teeth?

“Wisdom teeth” is the common, informal name for your third set of permanent molars, and they are often associated with a number of dental health complications. As the last teeth to erupt, wisdom teeth do not typically become problematic until early adulthood, and for some patients, the molars may never cause any trouble at all…. Read more »

Why Are Third Molars Called ‘Wisdom’ Teeth?

Originally, third molars were referred to as ‘teeth of wisdom’ but ever since the 19th century, we’ve been calling them ‘wisdom’ teeth – why? Contrary to what it may seem, these teeth actually have nothing to do with the amount of wisdom you may or may not have. In fact, third molars coined this term… Read more »

Are Wisdom Teeth Dangerous?

Wisdom teeth, or your third (and last) molars, typically erupt anywhere from the late teens to early twenties. Surprisingly, that’s actually how they got their name, “wisdom” teeth, because this age range is know as the “age of wisdom.” Regardless, however, they do not indicate anything about your actual intelligence. In fact, they could cause… Read more »

3 Shocking Facts About Wisdom Teeth

Your dentist can detect your wisdom teeth through x-rays at a young age, but you may not even feel any pain or discomfort. However, if your wisdom tooth becomes impacted – meaning there isn’t enough space for it to erupt through your gum tissue – it could cause an infection or damage the surrounding teeth…. Read more »

How Are Wisdom Teeth Detected?

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, typically erupt in our late teens and early twenties. However, your dentist usually monitors them for years prior to determine when they should be removed. How are wisdom teeth detected? Typically, your dentist will recommend that you get an x-ray of your mouth every year or so. Through these x-rays,… Read more »

When Should I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Third molars, or more commonly known as wisdom teeth, usually erupt throughout our late teens and early twenties. Typically, these molars come in misaligned, and could pose many risks to your other teeth and the overall health of your mouth. However, if they do come in properly aligned and positioned, you’re in luck – they… Read more »

Why Do We Extract Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually erupt in our late teens and early twenties. They come in in a variety of ways – most of which require extraction because it could be detrimental to the alignment and health of your other teeth. Luckily, these days, dentists are able to determine if our wisdom… Read more »

What Are Third Molars & Why Do We Have Them?

Pop quiz: Do you know where your third molars are located? If you’re drawing a blank, you’re not alone. You may not be familiar with the term “third molar” but rather know these teeth as your wisdom teeth. These terms are interchangeable. What are third molars and why do we have them? Third molars emerge… Read more »

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

Your third morals, commonly called the wisdom teeth, typically emerge during your late teenage years or when you’re in your early twenties. The emergence of these teeth, positioned at the back of the mouth, can pose problems for the alignment of all your teeth, which why some people opt to have their wisdom teeth extracted… Read more »

Third Molar Facts

Third molars, also called wisdom teeth, usually erupt before or around the age of 17. According to statistics about 10 million wisdom teeth are removed annually. Sometimes, rather than wait until they get impacted or come in crooked, dentists may recommend getting them out. However, wisdom tooth extraction is an invasive surgical procedure and if… Read more »