Helpful Benefits Of Dental Implants

Retired Smile Cerritos CA

When deciding to have a dental implant or a whole row of prosthetics implanted, a patient’s usual first concern is in the cosmetic aspects. Obviously, people want to look fantastic, and that is always our priority. But the procedure may help in other areas of your oral health, both aesthetically and also while improving your overall oral health!

Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist speaks to you about some of the lesser known benefits of dental implants. And if we can combine or eliminate additional procedures, all the better!

Like What?

You may not have thought about additional benefits from this procedure until just now. The chief concern has always been how it will make your smile look, and how that will age. But it is possible to reduce or remove other dental courses of action by even one dental implant.

So what sorts of benefits are we talking about? Firstly, we can discuss the possible benefits to alignment. This can remove or reduce orthodontic needs significantly. Because dental implants are created, we can design teeth that are a perfect fit for your mouth. Often, this can drastically improve the appearance of the others near it, and in turn, the entire mouth.

Preserve Your Jaw

Placing an implant can also help stop the loss of jaw bone material in those with missing teeth. When we do not have functioning teeth, our mouth reabsorbs some of the jaw. Coupled with decreasing bone density with aging, it can be a dangerous mix.

For our older patients, it may be important to their broader health to have a replacement placed. Our oral health is not only important in our visual appearance, but can affect our ability to eat, sleep, and even breathe properly.

It may be necessary to have a bone graft in order to properly ensure your implant succeeds. If this is the case, it is even more important to have the procedure. This means that the bone has already begun to significantly reabsorb into the body. Rebuilding that structure is very important to keep your face healthy, all while drastically improving how you look.


Dr. Shawn Hofkes and the staff at Cerritos Dental Surgery are highly qualified to address complex issues, including those that require oral surgery to correct. To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly welcome patients of all ages from Cerritos, CA, and all surrounding communities, such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and more.