It is hard to believe, but the year is rapidly coming to a close. As we shut the door on 2022, it is a fantastic time to look at our health and see where we can improve over the next year. Some of our most common resolutions can also be beneficial to our dental future.
A prime example of this is quitting smoking. If you continue to smoke or use another form of tobacco, the best decision you can make for your oral health is to stop immediately. This can be the hardest thing for a person to do, and this endeavor can include some setbacks. There are more resources available now than ever before to help you stop this habit. Look for a helpful phone app or an accountability program that can help you stay firm in your decision to quit.
For a comprehensive approach to your health and appearance, Cerritos Dental Surgery in Cerritos, CA is here to help. As 2023 rolls in, take advantage of the time to schedule a consultation to improve both the look and feel of your smile!
Restore The Protection Of A Stable Gumline
A common form of oral infection is known as periodontal disease. This occurs when bacteria take hold within the tissue of the gums, and this situation can put the future of your dental health at risk. This material provides a strong barrier between the chaos of the mouth and the working structures that keep our teeth functioning properly.
When bacteria form within the gums, they can pull back from their natural location on the teeth. This can be unappealing for the look of your smile. Not only can this become harmful to the cosmetic elements of the mouth, but can lead to other issues with your health.
Trust A Trained Eye On Your Smile
The teeth may become loose or wobbly when the gums are not strong. A pocket can develop between the gum and dental tissue which can be a prime location for the growth of harmful organisms. This infection can spread into the tooth or even down into the bone of the jaw. It is important to treat this before it becomes more serious, as these conditions can require additional procedures to remedy.
One common initial symptom of the infection of the periodontal tissue is bleeding during brushing or flossing. Patients may feel that they are overly aggressive in their home dental regimen and stop vigorously brushing an area that has become compromised. This can allow the infection to progress, so schedule an appointment today!
Find Your Smile In Cerritos, CA
Receding gums can look unappealing and feel even worse. Call Dr. Hofkes at Cerritos Dental Surgery today in Cerritos, CA at 562-584-4082 for more information on how the new year can help you to achieve new heights in your oral health!