One of the most frustrating aspects of oral health concerns is its instability. When you have trouble within your mouth, it might seem that each bite is a possibility for disaster. And if you are favoring one side of the mouth, it may lead to extra wear in that area. Like with a set of tires, an imbalance can cause as much or even more damage than the initial concern!
If you are struggling with this feeling, it is important to speak with a trained oral health care professional. This way, you can get a set of experienced eyes on your specific situation in order to determine the best course of action. Regardless of the cause of your issue, allowing your problem to go unattended can lead to further damage and weakness. Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist introduces you to just some of the ways that we can rebuild your dental structure to ensure that your mouth is as strong as possible!
Catch It Early
If there is a structural concern within your mouth, your best bet is to see a trained oral health care provider as soon as you possibly can. We are inclined to live with these situations for reasons due to time and expense. But ignoring this now can mean a more extensive restoration solution down the line!
For instance, if you know that you have some damage to your enamel, it is not something that you should simply live with. If you have broken or chipped a tooth to the point that the internal systems are exposed, then a porcelain veneer might be able to save you further surgery. This is a sturdy and durable ceramic cap that sits atop your own abraded enamel. Talk with your dentist about the possibility of this procedure in bringing back safety to your smile.
If you suffer from bruxism, this might also be a concern for your oral health. This is the grinding of the teeth, and it can lead to serious damage within otherwise healthy mouths. This can lead to dental erosion, or the wear of the enamel. A nightly worn mouthguard may even help you avoid surgery, if worn appropriately.
A Stable Solution
One of the most successful ways at restoring a damaged smile is through the use of a dental crown. This is a strong ceramic cap that fits atop your injured tooth. When a deep crack or break develops, this may be the best way to bring your oral health back under control.
This is also very common after a root canal surgery procedure. Such surgery is the removal of the pulp, or the inner portion of the tooth. After the sealing of the connections to the jaw, there often is not enough remaining enamel left to support chewing and speaking. Therefore, a dental crown can be very helpful at maintaining functionality!
Dr. Shawn Hofkes and the staff at Cerritos Dental Surgery are highly qualified to address complex issues, including those that require oral surgery to correct. To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly welcome patients of all ages from Cerritos, CA, and all surrounding communities, such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and more.