Dentistry has followed us throughout human history, and only relatively recently have we come to use porcelain veneers for cosmetic restoration. First designed in the 1920s, this technology sat unused for decades, finally taking off around 40 years ago. But now we have honed our techniques and materials so that these caps can last for decades if properly maintained.
Today, your Cerritos, CA dentist speaks on the lasting benefits available to you through a veneer procedure. This process has a wide variety of uses, from a single tooth to a full new set!
A Remedy For Damage
Our teeth hold up surprisingly well, considering the abuse we put them through. We are constantly eating and drinking things that are full of staining agents and acids, and even the most innocent of foods can become food for bacteria. These form colonies in the recesses of the mouth, and produce highly acidic waste. This can lead to tooth decay and even loss.
But beyond daily wear and tear, we also have to worry about physical damage. Emergencies happen to the best of us, and we cannot always control our environments. A car accident, or even simply a wrong turn into a corner in the hallway can leave your smile in pieces on the floor.
How They Help
Porcelain veneers serve as a fantastic solution for these types of breaks. These are essentially ceramic caps that are cemented onto the etched and filed dental material. This material forms a translucent material that is similar both structurally and in appearance to your natural enamel.
One significant advantage of this material is its sheer durability. It matches that of our natural biological matter incredibly closely, so that you are able to take care of them as you would with your normal oral health routine.
Since these are placed on top of existing structures, as well, there is very little trauma to the jaw that occurs during placement. You do not have the drilling and implantation of a titanium post, or the shifts that come with correcting alignment. Your body’s immune system has very little to fight against.
A Custom Solution
Another massive benefit of this technology is the ability of our skilled ceramicists in being able to craft a custom design for you. Many additional benefits can often be found when they are able to specifically design the perfect shapes and sizes to recreate a perfect smile. All while appearing effortless and natural!
Many people are able to hold off on other procedures, such as whitening or alignment correction, after receiving a new set of veneers. But as the porcelain cannot be bleached, make sure to work with you oral health professional to determine whether whitening is something you would like to tacke first.
Dr. Shawn Hofkes and the staff at Cerritos Dental Surgery are highly qualified to address complex issues, including those that require oral surgery to correct. To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly welcome patients of all ages from Cerritos, CA, and all surrounding communities, such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and more.