Category: Sleep Apnea

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

If you find that you’re waking after a ‘full’ night’s rest feeling exhausted, you’re probably not getting as much sleep as you think. Unfortunately, sleep disorders are often difficult to diagnose because of the nature of their symptoms (they occur while you’re unconscious). Because of this, many sufferers go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and end up… Read more »

What Causes You To Snore?

Snoring is common and doesn’t always indicate a health problem, however – it can definitely be annoying, especially if it’s keeping those around you awake throughout the night. When your snoring becomes persistently loud and disruptive, then it is often an indicator of a larger problem – a sleep disorder. This kind of snoring is… Read more »

Sleep Apnea: Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnosing sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes you to have breathing cessations while unconscious, involves undergoing a sleep study. However, the most obvious symptoms often occur during the sleep cycle – leading many sufferers to postpone doctor’s appointments or relay broad symptoms to their doctor that can indicate more common medical conditions. Even though… Read more »

What Increases Your Risk For Sleep Apnea?

There isn’t one specific factor that causes a sleep disorder, but understanding the different types of sleep apnea will explain how the condition occurs. Unfortunately, reaching a diagnosis can often be difficult because many sufferers are unaware that symptoms are occurring in their sleep. Instead, they may feel persistently tired during the day – but… Read more »

FAQs About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that disrupts your sleep cycle throughout the night, often leaving you excessively tired during the day. However, it can be difficult to diagnose since patients are usually unaware that they aren’t getting a full night’s rest. If you’ve been hearing that your snoring is unbearable – it could be time… Read more »

How To Avoid Sleep Apnea

Snoring and sleep apnea are sleep disorders that disrupt your quality of sleep throughout the night. There are two types of sleep apnea; obstructive and central. Both forms of the sleep disorder cause you to lose oxygen flow throughout your body while you’re asleep. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when your throat muscles relax, physically blocking… Read more »

Are You Tired Of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that disrupts your sleep cycle by restricting air flow. Patients who suffer from sleep disorders are known to snore loudly and wake often throughout the night. This often leads to exhaustion and extreme sleepiness throughout the day. Are you tired of sleep apnea? There are several treatment options so… Read more »

How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Sleep apnea – a sleep disorder that interrupts your sleep due to lack of oxygen – is hard to diagnose because it occurs while the patient is asleep. Usually, it’s the person that sleeps next to the patient that ends up beginning the diagnosis process because they are the ones witnessing the signs of your… Read more »

Quiz: Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where your body does not receive enough oxygen due to your airways being blocked, which can cause you to awake abruptly throughout the night. Many times, it’s difficult to diagnose sleep apnea because you typically won’t remember gasping for air in your sleep. However, if you sleep in the… Read more »

How Can I Treat My Sleep Apnea?

Do you suspect you have sleep apnea? If you are snoring (loudly), experiencing headaches in the morning, waking often and abruptly throughout the night, and can’t seem to stay asleep – chances are, you likely have sleep apnea. Before you feel discouraged for ever being able to sleep normally again, there are several different treatment… Read more »