Find Time to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

For many individuals, removing wisdom teeth, or “third molars,” is a matter of maintaining proper oral health. Wisdom teeth can disrupt the function of your bite, cause you constant pain, and become a hassle to clean. Removing your wisdom teeth at the right time can make all the difference. When you’re younger, your jawbone is less dense, and this makes it easier to remove your wisdom teeth, so having this procedure done during your teenage years is often recommended. Finding time for surgery and recover over a period like winter break can help make the process easy.

When You’ll Want to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

Many patients have their wisdom teeth removed as a preventive measure to guard against future oral health concerns. If your dentist notices certain red flags, they’ll definitely advocate for removal. This is why it’s important to visit your dentist regularly and complete procedures like x-rays every so often. If an x-ray reveals that your wisdom teeth are impacted or growing in crooked, they’ll need to be removed so that they don’t cause problems for the rest of your teeth. If you experience pain or infections around the site of your wisdom teeth, this may also be a red flag.

What Can Happen to Your Bite if Your Wisdom Teeth Are Crooked?

If your wisdom teeth are impacted or growing in crooked, they can push against the rest of your teeth. In the present, that pressure likely manifests itself as pain. Over time, that pressure can cause the rest of your teeth to shift, offsetting your bite. A bite that is uneven or doesn’t fit together precisely can lead to the premature wear of your teeth. This ultimately shortens the life of your teeth and can cause you oral health problems as you age. Your dentist can guide you on whether or not your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

Pick the Ideal Time to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

The surgery to remove wisdom teeth does typically require IV sedation, so you’ll need to make sure you’ve cleared time in your schedule for the procedure. You’ll also need to make sure that you have a friend or family member present to take you home after the procedure, since you’ll be unable to drive a car. Recovery times vary after wisdom teeth removal, but it may take 2-3 days for the swelling and discomfort to fully subside. That’s why picking a time like winter break or summer vacation can be helpful when scheduling your wisdom teeth removal.

Schedule Wisdom Teeth Removal at Cerritos Dental Surgery

Dr. Hofkes strives to provide a family-like atmosphere at Cerritos Dental Surgery. That means that you will be met with compassion when you’re at our practice. We will help guide your decision making to ensure that you give yourself the bright oral health future you deserve. Schedule an appointment at Cerritos Dental Surgery in Cerritos, CA by contacting our office at 562-584-4082.