Bruxism: Helping You Feel Better

Bruxism disorder is something that can make you feel not-so-lovely in a variety of ways. You may feel disappointed to learn that your smile isn’t in exceptional health at the moment! You may feel a little alone, as well, if you think that this concern is only happening to you (spoiler alert: it isn’t!). Then, there’s the fact that your teeth might not be feeling very good these days on account of the excessive friction and the pressure that comes with bruxism. Now, ready for some good news from our Cerritos, CA team? We can help you feel better in so many ways by providing not only answers and information but also the bruxism treatment you need! Do yourself a favor and schedule a visit soon.

Feeling Better About Having Bruxism

Many patients look at us in shock, surprised to learn they have a functional oral health disorder that has been flying under the radar for a while. They also assume that it’s a very unique and uncommon problem. What you are missing is the fact that bruxism disorder actually affects millions of individuals. However, like you, many assume it’s not well known and many go without treatment!

The good news is that when you’re keeping up with your dental checkups or you come in with symptoms, we will detect the concern on your behalf. Then, you’ll be able to receive treatment, as well as suggestions for lifestyle choices, so you realize you’re headed back on track toward oral health that remains just as wonderful as possible. Think bruxism may be something affecting you? Call us soon!

Literally Feeling Better

Now, what you are also hoping for is to feel better if bruxism disorder has lead to any type of symptoms, which commonly include sensitive teeth, pain in your face, and jaw pain. Fortunately, once we help cushion your bite and provide shock absorption, your teeth and jaw joints no longer suffer. To address your grinding and/or clenching that comes with bruxism, we will have you wear a nightguard when you sleep at night. It’s easy and will offer exceptional improvement!

Address Bruxism With A Nightguard

Once you learn that you have bruxism disorder, remember that treating it is simple, noninvasive, comfortable, and quite effective! It’s also essential if you want to keep your smile healthy, so see us soon! To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly welcome patients of all ages from Cerritos, CA, and all surrounding communities, such as Lakewood and more.