After You Receive Sedation

You may love the benefits that come with dental sedation. What you might not love, however, is the fact that beyond the blissfully relaxing experience you will have at our practice, you’re not sure what to expect once the appointment is through. Fortunately, helping you navigate your post-treatment experience is extremely simple. Consider our helpful advice that may assist you in making the right sedation choice for your daily needs.

About Clearing Your Schedule

Patients are often curious about how long dental sedation is going to affect them and their day. This is actually entirely dependent on the type of sedation you choose. If it’s extremely important to you that you can quickly return to your regularly scheduled programming, so to speak, you will need to select nitrous oxide. It is the only option that will not interfere with your plans. Your other options, however, will leave your body at a much slower pace. As a result, we encourage you to clear your schedule for the rest of the day, to go home, to rest, and to expect to pick up on your usual plans the following day.

About Driving Home

As you may have gathered above, you may or may not require a ride back home after your visit and dental sedation. For those patients who choose nitrous oxide, driving back to work, home, or otherwise is completely fine. However, if you select oral sedation, oral sedation and nitrous oxide, or IV sedation, you will need someone to accompany you. It’s also a good idea to have your friend or loved one help you inside your home, to get you situated, and to ensure you are capable of remaining safe on your own (if necessary).