Why Visit An Oral Surgeon?

You may wonder why you have suddenly been thrust out into the world away from the comfortable cloister of your general dentist’s practice and into the office of an oral surgeon. The moment you are referred to a specialist of any kind can certainly be cause for some concern or confusion if you are not sure about the cause. Fortunately, you will be glad to learn that an oral surgery practice means advanced training and expertise that will help you regain your oral health. As for the particular details regarding what makes this the case, we encourage you to learn a bit more with us.

When You Exhaust Your General Dentist’s Scope Of Care

The reason you’re referred to an oral surgeon is because what you need for improved oral health is something your general dentist does not do, has not been trained in, or simply does not have much experience with. As you hear these details, you will likely quickly feel much more comfortable at the thought of visiting a surgeon. You certainly want expert level care for your oral health needs.

Your Specialized Care

So, what exactly does an oral surgeon do that a general dentist does not, you may wonder? Becoming familiar with these particulars often helps patients more easily distinguish general dental care from oral surgery. Consider some details that will help you make this distinction:

  • We have advanced training in the placement of dental implants
  • We are trained in oral pathology, providing you with accurate diagnoses of everything from jawbone problems to a bump in your mouth
  • We provide you with surgical procedures necessary to protect or improve your oral health, such as wisdom tooth removal or bone grafting