Q&A: Think Sedation Isn’t For You? Think Again

When we speak with patients about the many benefits of sedation dentistry, we tend to discover that they assume this relaxing solution is strictly for individuals suffering from severe dental anxiety. And while this is true, sedation does provide a wonderful solution for patients who fear dental care, this treatment also offers advantages to a wide variety of patients with additional concerns. If you thought of sedation as a luxury and something simply not for you, you may need to think again. Look ahead to find out if your experience may become even better by asking about your candidacy:

Questions and Answers About Sedation

Question: What if I don’t suffer from severe anxiety but I still get a little nervous about my appointment?

Answer: We will discuss your feelings with you to determine whether sedation is appropriate – even if you experience only slight nervousness, we prefer that you have a completely comfortable and relaxing experience. You may make a wonderful candidate for this option.

Question: What if I’m not nervous at all? Is there any reason I would need sedation?

Answer: Yes, we offer sedation dentistry to patients for a wide variety of reasons, one of which is severe gagging. Have you found that making your way through a cleaning or checkup is difficult because of your quick-to-respond gag reflex? If so, sedation can often relax you and your reflex, so you enjoy a tranquil experience.

Question: I’m not nervous and I don’t have a gagging problem, but I need a lot of work done – can sedation help me?

Answer: Yes. If you’re a patient who would like to schedule – or for whom we need to schedule – complex or time-consuming dental services, you may find yourself sitting in our chair for an extended period of time. Sedation dentistry can improve your experience by making the visit seem to go by more quickly, while you feel deeply relaxed.


With advanced training in oral and maxillofacial surgery, Shawn Hofkes, DDS is highly-qualified to provide comfortable, complex oral surgery services, including impacted wisdom tooth extraction. To schedule your appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly serve patients of all ages from Cerritos, Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and all surrounding communities.