When you have a serious case of periodontal disease, this could lead to tissues receding to expose sensitive portions of your roots. But our team can manage the disease and correct these issues with gum grafts. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist talks about the three types of gum grafts our team provides, and how these can help reshape your gum line and better manage periodontal disease to keep your smile whole and healthy!
Recession and Periodontal Disease
When you develop periodontal disease, this could lead to uncomfortable symptoms like sore and bleeding gums. Over time, the tissues could begin to pull away from the teeth, which exposes portions of the root. These portions don’t have the same level of enamel as the rest of the visible structure, which could lead to tooth decay and infection with time, as well as painful sensitivity. The recession could increase the risk of periodontitis and tooth loss. To protect your smile, we need to conduct gum grafts to cover these exposed portions of the root and reshape the gum line. Moving forward, we can then manage the issue with routine preventive and holistic treatment options.
Three Types of Gum Grafts
Our team offers three different gum graft options, and the one we choose will be based on your unique situation. The most common form is referred to as Connective, in which we make a flap in the roof of your mouth and remove tissue from under it. We then stitch this over the exposed roots. Free Gingival is similar, but the flap is taken from the palate of your mouth. If people have plenty of available gingival tissue near the area with precision, we could offer the Pedicle procedure. With this option, we take tissue from the nearby area of the smile and sew it in place.
All of these options cover the exposed roots and provide an attractive and complete gum line, allowing us to better manage the disease and keep your smile whole. If you have any questions about how our team will plan and conduct a gum grafting procedure, or if you have other warning signs of periodontal disease and need treatment, we hope you will reach out to our team. We want to help you smile with confidence and maintain a full smile for years to come!
To schedule a consultation and correct your smile’s recession, then make an appointment with Cerritos Dental Surgery in California call 562-584-4082 today. You deserve a healthy smile, one that makes you feel confident and stays strong and whole, so reach out to our team to get started on your journey to a better smile.