When you have wisdom teeth on the verge of eruption, we want to remove them completely from your smile before this happens. With a tooth extraction, we can protect you from the major complications of wisdom tooth eruption. In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist explains how and why we remove your third molars with a safe and gentle tooth extraction.
The Risks of Wisdom Tooth Eruption
For some, there could be up to four new molars erupting, usually in the patient’s late teens and early 20s. When these arrive, there is usually no room for them, so there could be partial eruptions known as impactions. Their arrival could also shift the teeth to cause misalignment and increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. You could also be more likely to develop complications like TMJ disorder, bruxism (teeth grinding), infection, and even tooth loss. Which is why we want to remove these teeth before they erupt and threaten your smile!
Planning a Gentle Tooth Extraction
To begin, we will take detailed digital x-rays of your smile to examine the position of these teeth and the possible risk they pose. We can also take note of nerve tissues, blood vessels, and sinus cavities nearby so we don’t encounter them during the extraction process. Our team will plan the procedure in detail. To ensure you are comfortable, we will administer a local anesthetic to the area, and also discuss sedation to help you enter a state of deep relaxation and calm, even if you have dental anxiety. We want your oral surgery to be a comfortable experience.
Removing Your Third Molars
When you are numbed and sedated, we will open the gums above these teeth so we can reach and remove them with a pair of forceps. We then suture the area closed. A friend or family member can bring you home, and we will send detailed instructions for the next day or two. We also provide prescriptions for medications to aid in the healing process. For the next day or two, eat only soft foods, get plenty of rest, avoid straws, and be gentle when you brush and floss. If you have any questions about how our team will plan and implement a tooth extraction to prevent wisdom tooth impaction, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile!
To schedule a consultation and have your wisdom teeth removed before they erupt, then make an appointment with Cerritos Dental Surgery in California call 562-584-4082 today. By addressing your wisdom teeth before they erupt, we can safeguard the health, function, and beauty of your smile.