Dental Sedation Creates A Positive Experience

When you have oral surgery on the horizon, or if you have anxiety and need care for your smile, we could help with a calming agent. Dental sedation helps people enter a calm and relaxed state, often with no memory of the procedure! In today’s blog, your Cerritos, CA, dentist’s office talks about sedation dentistry.

When Patients Need Sedation Dentistry

We could recommend this for patients undergoing more extensive procedures, such as a root canal, or for those receiving oral surgery, including bone grafting, dental implant placement, and tooth extraction. If a person has special needs or dental anxiety that makes receiving care a difficult process, we could recommend their treatment to help them enter a calm and relaxed state. We offer this to help ensure that patients of all ages enjoy a positive experience in our office.

How Our Team Chooses the Right Option

We have three different options, so how do we choose the right one for you? Well, our team will take several different factors into account. For example, your age and weight can impact which option is best for you. We also look at your medical history, and your dental anxiety levels. Some benefit from more minor options like nitrous oxide, while those with severe phobia may need IV sedation.

Three Calming Solutions

Nitrous oxide is often referred to as laughing gas, and is a moderate form that can help kids and adults alike. Patients simply wear a mask over the nose and inhale a gas that helps them enter a relaxed and euphoric state. There is often little to no memory of the procedure, but you remain conscious and able to respond to the dentist as needed. The effects will wear off immediately, so you can often return to work or school after treatment!

Oral sedation is taken before the procedure in a pill or liquid form, and causes you to enter a deep state of calm. You will have little to no memory of the procedure, but again will be conscious. The effects take time to wear off completely, so you will need a friend or family member to bring you home afterward. We can also combine nitrous oxide and oral options for patients with higher anxiety levels of a sensitive gag reflex.

The deepest form available is IV and works well for those with severe phobias. We will monitor you the entire time you’re on the IV, and the effects will again take time to wear off completely. If you have any questions about our approach to dental sedation, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Need a Calming Solution?

Our team wants to help you enjoy your time in our office, even if you have dental anxiety. For more information, call your Cerritos, CA dentist’s office at (562)584-4082.