Extracting a tooth might not seem like the most appealing prospect. Nevertheless, given the prevalence of severe dental issues and trauma, tooth extraction remains a vital procedure for patients with one or more teeth that are beyond saving.
Still, preventing the need to remove the tooth in the first place is preferable, and understanding tooth extraction and why it is required can help you better preserve your natural, healthy smile.
The Truth About Tooth Extraction
Why does my tooth have to be removed?
Restorative dentistry offers a variety of options for repairing damaged teeth, restoring teeth infected with cavities, or otherwise rebuilding and refortifying your smile. Still, extracting a tooth may be the only way to protect the rest of your oral health from continuing damage, in some cases. For instance, when tooth decay becomes too severe for root canal treatment, or a crack/fracture is too severe for a dental crown, leaving the tooth in place could result in the spread of infection, or irritation/damage to surrounding soft tissues.
Since I’m going to lose it anyway, can the procedure wait?
Just because extraction is a last resort doesn’t mean losing the tooth is the worst thing that can happen. In fact, the reason why extraction is necessary is because dental infections can spread, and a severely damaged tooth can injure the tissues around it. The longer you wait to extract the tooth, the more collateral damage/infection it can cause, and you may require more extensive treatment to repair it.
How can I prevent the need to extract any of my other teeth?
If you are playing a contact sport, then wearing a mouthguard can prevent severe tooth fractures, or knocked-out teeth. If you maintain a good regimen of dental hygiene, checkups, and cleanings, then you can prevent the dental diseases (like cavities and gum disease) that often lead to tooth loss and extraction.