What is Emergency Dentistry?

Have you felt sudden discomfort in a tooth or actually damaged one? If so, then you needed emergency dental care. What is emergency dentistry? This refers to any pain or injury to the teeth or gums. You should see the dentist as soon as possible. There are also steps you can take to alleviate your initial discomfort.

Common Dental Emergencies

Toothaches: If you have a sudden toothache, this could be a warning sign. Decay, fractures, or infection can all lead to persistent tooth pain. You should see us right away for a diagnosis.

Damaged or Lost Fillings: If a filling becomes loose, you can use over-the-counter dental cement to hold it in place. If you are missing one completely, then chewing a piece if sugar-free gum and placing it over the tooth can protect it until you see the dentist. We can then place a new filling.

Objects Caught Between Teeth: If something becomes stuck between your teeth, first use floss to gently floss on either side of the tooth. If this does not remove the object, then come to the office as soon as possible. We don’t recommend using anything besides floss as you can damage your gums.

Chipped Teeth: If you chip a tooth, try to recover any missing pieces. You can also place gauze over the area to stop any bleeding and apply a cold compress to the side of the face to reduce swelling. If you can’t recover any pieces of the tooth, we can still perform a repair with dental bonding or a dental crown.

Knocked-Out Teeth: If you have lost a tooth completely in an accident, pick the tooth up by the crown (or upper portion) never the root. Rinse the tooth under gently running water to remove dirt, but take care not to remove any tissue. Place the tooth in a glass of milk and bring it with you to the office.


Dr. Shawn Hofkes and the staff at Cerritos Dental Surgery are highly qualified to address complex issues, including those that require oral surgery to correct. To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly serve patients of all ages from Cerritos, Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and all surrounding communities.