Why See Us Immediately For Damaged Dental Work

One day, your crown, dental bridge, dental implant, etc., isn’t something you think about at all. It’s been in place for a while, you use your smile every day, and you just go about your life. Then, suddenly, you notice something feels … different. Perhaps you noticed the moment it happened when you bit into something very hard. Maybe you have no idea what the cause is but you think you may have damaged your dental work. This is a very good reason to contact us (and soon).

Damage Yields Additional Damage

If you have dental work that’s become damaged, the issue will end up affecting your entire smile instead of just that isolated area. This could mean a lost filling, a cracked or loose crown, a damaged prosthetic like a bridge, an uncomfortable implant, or anything else. Remember, it can alter your bite balance, it can harm soft tissue, food can become trapped, damage can encourage decay, and more. Don’t ignore a problem. See us instead!

Early Fixes Are Usually Easiest

Piggybacking on the fact that when you experience damaged dental work, more damage is likely in your future: Fixing a problem earlier is usually easiest. Since it’s usually easiest, it’s more convenient for you and will probably be less expensive to address. Rather than waiting if you think something is wrong, come in to see us!

If It’s Urgent, We Are Here!

Remember that if you think something has become damaged, we’re here to take your call and to help you right away if you think it’s a concern requiring our attention immediately.

See Our Team For Help With Damaged Dental Work

If you need an emergency visit or a regularly scheduled visit, remember that seeing us ASAP regarding damage to any part of your smile is the best decision. To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly welcome patients of all ages from Cerritos, CA, and all surrounding communities, such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and more.