What To Do About Smile Changes?

You may notice one day that you’re experiencing a smile change that has you somewhat alarmed. These changes may come in many forms, some pointing to an underlying oral health disease, while others are completely harmless. The challenge for you, of course, is that it is generally impossible to figure out on your own what to make of the symptom and whether or not it is indicative of some other concern. We know that you’d likely rather simply wish it away but … heading into our practice for a quick checkup is a much better choice.

Commonly Detected Changes

Common smile changes that may occur within patients’ mouths can be broken down into the occurrence of the following (though this is not a complete list):

  • Inflammation
  • Bleeding
  • Dryness
  • Sores or ulcers
  • Red or white patches
  • Discomfort
  • Infection

Why You Should Schedule A Visit

Our practice provides oral pathology services, which refers to the care you might need when the potential sign of an oral disease appears. We can help you figure out what the change is and then provide you with a clear pathway toward a solution. Remember that we understand you’re a little uneasy about your smile change and strive to promote a very easy, comfortable, relaxed visit.

What We Will Do

We might simply tell you that your smile change needs time, so it can resolve on its own. In this case, you’ll go home and monitor your oral health. Or, if it appears necessary, we may take a biopsy (which are much more common than you might think) for a definitive explanation or rely on digital imaging.

Schedule A Visit Today For A Quick Checkup

When something changes in your mouth, it’s time to see us! Set up a checkup, so we may examine your smile and provide you with a diagnosis and treatment suggestions. To schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Hofkes, contact us today by calling 562-584-4082. We proudly welcome patients of all ages from Cerritos, CA, and all surrounding communities, such as Lakewood, Long Beach, Buena Park, and more.